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Time stamp: 00:41:45-13/2/2025



This site is to manage project modules at the School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University. Please see the wiki for detailed documentation. Students, supervisors and examiners will get an account on this site when the project modules they are involved in are set up by the project coordinators. Before then you cannot log in (it is also not useful, as you will not have access to anything).

If you have an account, please log in to gain access to your projects. Use your Cardiff University username and password or the username and password provided to you for this site. Usernames are case-insensitive (converted to lower-case), and passwords are case-sensitive. Please get in touch with a project coordinator if you require access.

PATS logs every access for at least the last six months; many links only work if PATS generates them and all data is timestamped and signed. This enables us to trace what has been done on the site, and we can check claims regarding project submission and related issues. Note that screenshots also contain data that enable us to verify their origin.

PATS has a stable, testing and unstable mode that can be selected once you have logged in. We recommend you use stable. You may want to use the testing mode for new features and help test the site. If you use the unstable mode, you may lose all data, and nothing may work, even if it appeared to work, so stay out unless you have been specifically instructed to test something or feel very adventurous (and remember that we log who you are and what you are doing). At the PATS development site you can see any known issues.

Project Coordinators

Compatibility: To use this site, your browser must be able to handle HTML5, have javascript enabled, have reasonable CSS3 support, and allow HTTPS cookies from If you are experiencing any problems, try using a recent version of firefox, vivaldi or chrome. Note browsers not running on Linux are not tested by the developers.

The following issues have been reported, and we do not intend to fix them:

  • Older versions of internet explorer may cause login and upload problems. Use a recent version of firefox, vivaldi or chrome.
  • Safari with nightshift and similar colour adjustment plugins, also on other browsers, may not work correctly (disable them for this site; they must be able to deal with CSS variables).

Service Status

WebserverUPIn case the web server is down (so of course you cannot see this message), please contact the COMSC system administrators ( or telephone 74487).
PATS?If this is DOWN, then the version of PATS you are using is under direct development and some services may fail intermittently. Any lasting issues on the stable or test version should be reported to the PATS developer (see above). If you are using the unstable version, you are on your own.
Database?If the database is down, PATS cannot function at all. The database is managed by the COMSC system administrators. Please contact them if it is down ( or telephone 74487).
CU LDAP Authentication?Without Cardiff University's LDAP authentication service, you cannot log in. Please contact the COMSC system administrators if it is down ( or telephone 74487).