Quantum spin networks, particularly of spin-1/2 particles, are highly relevant for quantum technologies with applications ranging from quantum spintronics for computing, simulation and networking to magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy in healthcare. This project will develop a simulator for quantum spin networks with arbitrary, user-defined topology, coupling strengths, and X/Y/Z couplings. Additional static control fields should be considered. Such controls enable us to steer the dynamics of the network and with that realise the operation we wish them to perform.
The networks can conceptually be simulated quite easily by calculating matrix exponentials (of 2^n x 2^n matrices for all excitation sub-spaces) . The project also considers computing the controls using the L-BFGS algorithm. A particular focus of the project is robust quantum control and investigating the robustness of the control and fidelity of the quantum operator under uncertainty introduced from the device or system itself.
Further consideration was taken to look into whether there was a way to speed up this modelling through other techniques proposed in recent research papers.