Recently Amazon released guidelines for how airspace below 400ft should be treated to accommodate automated drone flight. See the Verge's article for a brief overview (
Using these guidelines, I propose implementing a Drone Transportation Protocol that would allow hundreds of drones to navigate shared airspace safely, efficiently and autonomously: For this project I aim to deliver: - An implemented Drone Transportation Protocol. - A virtual drone testing platform, which can use different drone transport protocols and gather data regarding their performance (As testing hundreds of drones across a large space is unfeasible)
Both of these would build on any existing open source tools that could be utilised for the project.
Considerations For this protocol, drones would be treated as nodes in an ad hoc network.?? Drones would sense and avoid each other through collaborative drone-to-drone communication.?? A stretch goal for this project would be to (partially) implement non-collaborative means to sense and avoid other vehicles.?? Security concerns would need to be considered, such as how could the protocol protect from 'rouge' drones sending false signals to maliciously re-guide a legitimate drone.??