Developing a web application to Visualise IoT Data for Abacws Building

George Grainger


Supervised by Charith Perera; Moderated by Martin Caminada

The Internet of Things (loT) is a recent emerging technology that provides substantial amounts of data previously inaccessible to humanity. The aim of this project is to develop a system to make it easier to access the data produced by/for the Cardiff University Computer Science Abacws building. Making this data more accessible opens the door to a range of possible applications and people wishing to access, process and utilise sensor data for the building. During this report I will explain the technical decisions I have made during the production of this system and evaluate the final product in relation to our software specification. The final aim of this project is to produce an API (Application Programming Interface) to control access to the data, with an accompanying 3D visualiser to show the data on a model of the Abacws building.

Initial Plan (06/02/2022) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (13/05/2022) [Zip Archive]

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