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Time stamp: 04:11:43-22/1/2025


Electronic map of COMSC

Melissa Whiting


Supervised by Helen R Phillips; Moderated by Padraig Corcoran

The School of Computer Science & Informatics is located within the Queen???s Building which has several levels and buildings. New students and staff struggle to find their way around and paper maps are not very effective given the various levels. Students with disabilities can find it even more challenging. Many of us use google maps or Sat Nat to direct us to new locations when travelling by Car, Bike or even on foot, is something potentially possible for within COMSC? This project would require a student to investigate the feasibility of the development of such as application with the potential of producing a prototype to test the possibility.

Initial Plan (29/01/2017) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (02/05/2017) [Zip Archive]

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