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Technocamps Islands: Using Minecraft for Education to Develop Teaching Resources for Computer Science Topics and Concepts

Thomas McVeigh


Supervised by Catherine Teehan; Moderated by Omer F Rana

Education is a big part of life and has a wide range of content delivery methods, from classroom lessons to worksheets there are many ways in which people can be taught. This project aims to see if an education resource can be created inside of the game Minecraft for Education while adhering to the 2022 Welsh Curriculum for Science.

First research shall be carried out into using game-based learning compared to gamified learning to see if game-based learning through Minecraft for education is the best form of education delivery in the realm of using games. Then research will be carried out on the on the curriculum to see what the scope of the build will entail. Designs will then be created based on this research and a Minecraft for education lesson will then be built with the aim of teaching students three main computer science topics, these being Variables, Conditional statements, and Loops. Then the build will be evaluated against the curriculum to see if the final product was a success in the terms of meeting the requirements. Future work will also be considered for either future development of the final build or a new implementation all together.

Final Report (23/09/2022) [Zip Archive]

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