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Time stamp: 08:20:41-16/1/2025


Modelling Cyberattacks in Internet of Things environments

Thomas Stevens


Supervised by Omer F Rana; Moderated by Richard Booth

The aim of this project is to better understand the types of cyberattacks that take place within Internet of Things (IoT) devices - such as the recent attach on DNS servers operated by Dyn. The student is expected to investigate the types of attacks that can: (i) be initiated through IoT devices; (ii) be targetted to IoT devices. The student will be expected to use a threat modelling approach to characterise such attacks. It is expected that students will also example a few scenarios of such attacks using the IoT lab in COMSCI.

Initial Plan (30/01/2017) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (04/05/2017) [Zip Archive]

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