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Time stamp: 16:13:05-26/1/2025


Workout Tracker with NFC

Khaledur Rahman


Supervised by Andrew Jones; Moderated by Dave Marshall

A mobile application that allows users to create training plans that consists of workouts. The workouts will contain exercises that they can track. They can track workouts easier but enabling and using NFC. The workouts will be trackable within a custom calendar and data will be visualised to them.

User Functionality:

Track workouts into Custom Calendar Track exercises for each workout Data visualisation of each exercise over day/month/year Log weight daily, weekly or monthly and visualise this data Upload progress photos - front, back and side. Show progress of each side via a gallery. Add workouts with NFC

Initial Plan (30/01/2017) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (05/05/2017) [Zip Archive]

Publication Form