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Time stamp: 07:27:22-13/1/2025


The integration of the Annual Module Review process between the School of Computer Science and Informatics and the School of Mathematics

Freddie Saunders


Supervised by Alun D Preece; Moderated by David W Walker

This aim of the project is to analyse the Annual Module Review (AMR) process, in attempt to explore how it can be integrated and executed once between the School of Computer Science & Informatics and the School of Mathematics in a collaborative fashion.

In order to successfully explore the feasibility of process integration, the project will begin by learning, understanding and codifying the AMR process in the School of Computer Science and Informatics, followed by the AMR process in the School of Mathematics.

The project will then embark on its greatest challenge of identifying the conflicts between the AMR processes highlighting the advantages for the different ways of working and steps within the processes which prevent immediate integration. Through this, the project aims for to develop two different integrated annual module review process models with different priorities and focuses, to highlight the range of components and features that can be included and excluded from the annual module review process, depending on the needs and specific requirements from each school.

Ultimately, the purpose of this project is to explore the process integration of the AMR process between the School of Computer Science and Informatics and the School of Mathematics. The project hopes that once the two schools eventually move to their new state of the art facility, that they can refer to this report, in an attempt to increase efficiency, conserve resources and operate effectively together, as part of an ambitious and ever-growing academically excellent university.

Initial Plan (05/02/2018) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (09/05/2018) [Zip Archive]

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