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Time stamp: 02:44:40-3/12/2024


Further Implementation of an Mobile Application to Support Caregiver's Practices to Enhance Health and Wellbeing of Infants in Peru

Alejandro Arroyo


Supervised by Nervo Verdezoto Dias; Moderated by Omer F Rana

Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction, Design Thinking and User Experience (e.g., user-centered and/or participatory design methods) -Experience developing mobile and/or web applications in several platforms (e.g., Android, HTML5 & Javascript, etc.) -Desirable experience with Spanish (not mandatory)

A PhD student together with 2 bachelor students are developing a mobile application to support parents managing the health and wellbeing of their infants as well as the feeding practices.

The main goal of this project is to further design, implement, and evaluate the next version of this application to support Caregivers in Peru. The current application digitalised the existing paper-based card that contains health information of the child including different aspects of the development of the children as well as appointments, advice and agreements between the doctor and the mother, vaccinations, etc.

Features include, but not limited to: Chat, Peer Support Groups, Virtual complaint box, calendar, events, recipes about complementary feeding, maternal and child health information (e.g., vaccinations), Frequent questions, advice and agreements, etc. One of the major functionalities is the virtual space for the healthcare center to share recipes with caregivers.

In collaboration with the Nutrition Research Institute in Lima, Peru and Loughborough University in the UK

Initial Plan (06/02/2023) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (12/05/2023) [Zip Archive]

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