Designing an Interactive Application that Resembles Mother and Child Health Card to Motivate Mothers and Enhance the Health and Wellbeing of Infants in Peru

Stephanie Jones


Supervised by Nervo Verdezoto Dias; Moderated by Alia I Abdelmoty

The main goal of this project is to design and implement a digital version of the existing mother and child health card in Peru. The current paper-based card is a tool for informing and making mother and family members aware of different aspects of maternal and child care practices. The card also captures different aspects of the development of the children as well as appointments, advice and agreements between the doctor and the mother. The application should contain both front-end and back-end components to support both the health professional and mother’s information needs alike as well as the negotiation of care and treatment within and beyond the consultation.

In collaboration with the Nutrition Research Institute in Lima, Peru.

Prerequisites: - Knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience - Desirable experience developing web and mobile applications in several platforms.

Final Report (05/11/2021) [Zip Archive]

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