Currently the School of Computer Science & Informatics provides students with a coursework timetable that is developed by each year tutor. The fact that there is a variety of people producing the timetables means that they are inconsistent and take time for several staff members to produce. This timetable is as generally just a excel spreadsheet. These timetabes are also not dynamic, ao if there are changes to coursework handin handout dates the timetabes have to be manually altered.
Students are provides with this timetable schedule via learing central, but theye is no way fore them to link the information to their calenders.
A small piece of python scripts has been developed to general a print out of the coursework hand-out and hand-in datyes but this only provides limited information. This project will require a student to develop a more dynamic system, that generates a coursework timetable automatically, allows students and staff to link them to their calender and assigns the assessment and feebak lead and examination officers to monitor that coursework is being handed out on Time.
This is a very brief overview of the project. Students intersted are encouraged to email the lecturer for aditional information via a meeting