A Pocket-Sized Clinic

Amanda Ram


Supervised by Alia I Abdelmoty; Moderated by Rhodri Morris

Patients with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, can benefit from recording daily updates of their condition and their general state of health. If these records are communicated in an appropriate format to their health care professional, then they can get medical attention when they need it. If any symptoms deviate from a normal level, this will alert both the patient and the health-care professional to arrange a consultation.

This project will design and develop an app that can be used by an individual to record data about their medical condition, including the medications they are taking, and how well they are feeling. The app will use the data to create a (normal) user profile and translate the data into meaningful visual representations for the patient and the health-care professional to interpret. Usability of the application from the patient side and from the clinician side is a vital factor for its success. The project will include how the usability of the app will be considered and evaluated.

Initial Plan (12/02/2024) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (17/05/2024) [Zip Archive]

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