Optimisation of Teaching Associate Module Allocation in a University

Anfisa Phillips


Supervised by Richard Booth; Moderated by Aric Fowler

This research project aims to formulate and implement a model for effectively assigning various teaching tasks (e.g. marking support, class support) to Teaching Associates (TAs) in a university setting, using optimisation techniques.

Project Objectives: 1. To understand and categorise the diverse teaching tasks related to various modules offered in the university. 2. To identify the skill sets and preferences of TAs for these modules. 3. To formulate a mathematical model that incorporates these preferences, while ensuring that the assignments are under the maximum working hours. 4. To design an optimization algorithm to solve this model and find the optimal and fair assignments. 5. To evaluate the efficiency and fairness of this model by using simulation methods.

Initial Plan (05/02/2024) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (10/05/2024) [Zip Archive]

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