A Pocket-Sized Clinic

Liam Hobby


Supervised by Alia I Abdelmoty; Moderated by Yipeng Qin

Clinical trials are a component of medical research in which human-subject volunteers participate in long-term scientific studies to determine the safety, efficacy, tolerability, and associated health outcomes of new therapeutic medications. Trial participants, referred to as ‘subjects’ are typically members of the public who are experiencing long-term health problems as a result of some target disease. The timespan of these trials is often one year or greater, and the burden of procedure can make continued participation and protocol adherence difficult on the enrolled subjects, creating problems for clinical teams and statisticians monitoring trial outcomes. The goal of this project is to develop an application that allows trial subjects to track and monitor the status of their disease and manage their progression through a clinical trial, thus providing opportunities for ad-hoc data capture of clinical events and improving subject engagement and retention.

Initial Plan (05/02/2024) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (10/05/2024) [Zip Archive]

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