Evaluation of Deep Learning Strategies in the Field of Bankruptcy Prediction

Oliver Hancock


Supervised by Walter Colombo; Moderated by Matthew J W Morgan

A style of investing that can produce significant returns is called Deep Value Investing. It involves finding companies that are in dire straits and have poor financial with a stock price that reflects this risk. however, where there is risk there is reward and these companies can have incredible returns if their finances are improved. There is a dataset available on Kaggle that is from the Taiwan Economic Journal 1999-2009 listing 6819 companies with 96 financial metrics which I would plan on using as the data source. I propose building a proprietary strategy implementing different types of model to take in company financial metrics and create a risk assessment report or suggestion of a short sell/ buy/ or hold investment recommendation. This project will allow me to gain a much deeper understanding of artificial intelligence and combine that with my passion for finance.

Initial Plan (05/02/2024) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (10/05/2024) [Zip Archive]

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