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Time stamp: 22:46:59-12/2/2025


Gamifying Cybersecurity for Secondary Education Within the New Welsh Curriculum

William Haywood


Supervised by Yulia Cherdantseva; Moderated by Carolina Fuentes Toro

With the skills gap in cybersecurity seeing no improvement over the last half a decade and the sophistication and rate of cyber-attacks on the rise, it is now more important than ever to find ways to foster a larger amount of cybersecurity experts. It is widely agreed that nurturing of interest from a younger age is the ideal way to accomplish this, yet below higher education, is the most underrepresented in the research related to improvement of education for cybersecurity. Moreover, teachers deem the subject difficult to teach, lack necessary resources and time to educate themselves and their students. This project attempts to create a step towards addressing the skills gap by creating a prototype web portal that allows teachers to convey cybersecurity material in secondary education through the lens of gamification, while adhering to the principles laid out under the new Welsh curriculum. During this process there is an exploration of the current state and intended future of cybersecurity education in Wales and beyond, the hypothesised methods of improving and delivering said education, the new Welsh curriculum and its implications, the design and presentation of this project’s outcome and finally an evaluation to indicate what future attempts at a similar project should consider.

Initial Plan (04/02/2024) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (09/05/2024) [Zip Archive]

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