Using Robotics as an assistive technology to help Adults with ADHD symptoms

George McTavish


Supervised by Maria Jose (Marisé) Galvez Trigo; Moderated by Jing Wu

Adults with ADHD face unique challenges to children with the condition. This project explores the potential in alleviating distraction in this group by using a robot to prompt the user to become attentive again when distraction was detected. A program was then created to run using MiRo-E, a social robot with an animal like design. This program uses Computer Vision Methods for detecting attributes indictive of distraction, which were discovered through a literature review of Driver Distraction Detection methods. Then a research study was performed with this program and the MiRo-E in a simulated educational/workplace environment, the results of which were evaluated for the effectiveness of this treatment. Research showed that the robot was effective in testing with a limited sample size for improving performance but needed improvements in its usability and further research before conclusively being able to do so.

Initial Plan (05/02/2024) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (17/05/2024) [Zip Archive]

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