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Time stamp: 00:02:20-13/2/2025


Optimising Student Wellbeing and Performance through the Mindful Revision App - Shareability

Reece Nana


Supervised by Nervo Verdezoto Dias; Moderated by Alia I Abdelmoty

Description: The ultimate goal of the project is to further design, implement and evaluate features for the MindfulRevision app that can help students to improve their academic performance and well-being in more effective and engaging ways.

The MindfulRevision App ( is a new app that helps students revise for exams more mindfully and effectively. The app provides a variety of features, including: - Tools and techniques to manage stress - Techniques to help students focus - Techniques to help students socialise

In collaboration with Daniel Amos, Lead of the Mindful Revision App Development Team.

The main goal of the project is to: - Expand the feature set of the Mindful Revision app to further support student wellbeing, focus, stress management, and social connectedness. - Conduct user research to identify key pain points and desired features from a diverse cross-section of university students. - Design, prototype, and user test existing and new features based on research insights. Iterate based on feedback. - Evaluate the efficacy of new features through robust data collection and analysis.

Learning Outcomes: - Apply user-centered design processes to create features that meet student needs. - Gain first-hand experience conducting qualitative and quantitative research. - Develop skills in prototyping, usability testing, data analysis, and interpreting results. - Understand the process of designing for behavior change and evaluating impact. - Contribute meaningfully to a commercial app that could improve student lives at scale. - Showcase ability to take research insights and design effective, research-backed solutions.

Prerequisites: - Knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience - Experience building prototypes for mobile technologies

More information: YouTube:

Download: iOS: Android:

Initial Plan (05/02/2024) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (10/05/2024) [Zip Archive]

Publication Form