Quantifying risk score for human based on their susceptibility to phishing

Anukarthika Rajashekar


Supervised by Amir Javed; Moderated by Dr Katarzyna Stawarz

The project aims to develop a risk score for each user based on their vulnerability to phishing emails. The aim of the project will be to understand human vulnerability and identify tactics that an advesary would target and then identify obserable features that can be used to quantify a risk score for each human. The aim of the project will be to 1) Identify obserable points to identify human vunerability to phishing. 2) Create a risk formula to assign a unique risk score for each users 3) Create a Model to intercept an incoming email, identify phishing or not and assign a risk score indicating if it could be phishing or not.

Final Report (03/10/2024) [Zip Archive]

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