My project aims to study the validity and effectiveness of serious games as a method of teaching basic statistics to primary school children. The project will involve developing a 2D visual novel using Unity and artwork made up of both stock assets and custom assets created by myself, some of which have already been created. Within the game players will take on the role of a detective, using the skills they are taught to solve problems and deduce the identity of criminals. The game will teach players the required statistics through a series of mini-games that they must complete after being provided an example of the correct way to solve the question. After the development of the game, the project will involve organising for a group of primary school children, all of a similar level of mathematical competency, to play the game and later have their skills tested in order to determine how effectively the game has taught them the topic of statistics. In parallel to this, another group of similarly competent children will be taught using traditional classroom methods. Feedback from children that played the game will also be taken into consideration to determine aspects such as whether they found their learning experience to be more enjoyable, more understandable, and ultimately how confident they feel about their ability to solve problems using their new skills. Following these trials each group’s test results, experiences and opinions will be collected in order to be analysed and evaluated. Through the study of these results, the success and effectiveness of serious games as an alternative method to traditional teaching and learning will be determined.