Examining community migration patterns in response to administrative interventions on Reddit

Haralambos Dafas


Supervised by Liam Turner; Moderated by Amir Javed

Reddit is a social networking website enabling informal communities to be formed as individuals discuss topics within a particular theme (i.e, a subreddit). Over the years, a number of subreddits have been moderated such that they have been flagged as quarantined or banned altogether, however it is unclear how this effects the subsequent activity of users that participated in these communities after these events. Using historical data-dumps of Reddit, this project aims to characterise the structural properties of user-networks within subreddits and then examine what happens to the networks after the subreddits have been banned or quarantined.

Initial Plan (03/02/2020) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (15/05/2020) [Zip Archive]

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