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Time stamp: 23:55:14-12/2/2025


Designing an Interactive Web Application to Enhance Weight Loss

Daniel Howorth


Supervised by Nervo Verdezoto Dias; Moderated by Matthew Moloughney

Obesity is a major health problem facing the UK, with 28.7% of adults in England identified as obese in 2019. In this day and age, an increasing number of people are turning to apps to help them with their health problems, including obesity. There are a plethora of health and fitness apps on the market designed to help users lose weight.

This project will review a range of weight loss apps currently available in order to identify areas for improvement. This will then inform the design and development of a new interactive web app aimed at helping users lose weight, in an effort to improve upon exisiting apps and help combat obesity.

Initial Plan (03/02/2020) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (05/06/2020) [Zip Archive]

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