Mapping COVID-19 sentiment and pubic debate on Reddit

Oliver Carter


Supervised by Steven Schockaert; Moderated by Amir Javed

The aim of this project is to assess to what extent Reddit can be used as a useful tool for modelling sentiment and public debate of COVID-19 and the restrictions that followed. To this end, I will first need to collect a set of submissions across the UK, which mention some pre-defined keywords (e.g. lockdown, covid-19, coronavirus). Second, the sentiment of every relevant submission and the subsequent comments of each need to be characterised, which can for instance be achieved by relying on an off-the-shelf sentiment classifier such as Vader. Finally, the results of the analysis will be visualised on several figures to show public debate towards COVID-19 and how the sentiment towards COVID-19 and restrictions changed over time.

Initial Plan (08/02/2021) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (28/05/2021) [Zip Archive]

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