Exam scripts viewing booking system

Emma Terry


Supervised by Helen R Phillips; Moderated by Dr Daniela Tsaneva

For the last few years the school of computer Science and informatics has allowed students to view their scripts on a particular date and time. Behind the schemes significant work is undertaken to set up and arrange these viewing sessions. Appropriate slots have to be found in the student timetables, rooms have to be found and booked and all that if before we email students. Currently students book and request which scripts they want to see through a doodle poll. However this is not very efficient: We need a more bespoke system which provides - students with notification and reminder of the event, checks that students have provided valid and all the necessary information. Ideally I would like the system to allow staff to sign out and in each exam paper.

We are not the only School offering the opportunity to view scripts so there will be the opportunity to consider expanding the system.

Final Report (18/09/2020) [Zip Archive]

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