A project to implement a web application for athletes to view coded video footage and associated statistics in order to analyse individual player and team performance.
As a current player at the Cardiff Blues rugby team, we currently use a desktop system in order to analyse individual and team performance. Using this system we are restricted to only performing analysis during ???office??? hours and do not have access to the video footage or stat reports at home.
The project involves creating an individual player analysis hub, where players can gain access to individual and team footage in order review and feedback their observations to individuals within the team. At present match reviews are conducted using a separate web application which does not monitor player feedback or provide a facility to include sections of video highlighting examples of what the player is referencing. The proposed system will implement a feedback facility which will allow video snippets to be included, aiding communication between players and coaches within the team, and providing a method of recording player feedback to be used in formal reviews conducted on a 3 month basis.
The project scope also includes the potential use of GPS data in order to create physical performance reports of matches, along with the potential development of player monitoring surveys to assess player physical conditions, used by strength and conditioning staff to tailor physical training programs on a daily basis.