This is the main page for information about the 60 credit master's dissertation. Please see the CMT400 module description for further details. In particular, take note of the assessment and the syllabus, giving an overview of the various stages of the project. Deadlines are shown with your project information when you log into PATS. You will also receive further information about your project by e-mail.
Project Coordinator: Dr Shancang Li at
In term two, you are going to select your project. Below are guides on proposing projects and selecting your project using PATS.
This is an overview of the expected deliverables and tasks you must execute for your project. You also find the required deliverables with their submission deadlines under your PATS project details.
The MSc Project Handbook (available on Learning Central) covers most aspects concerning your project throughout its lifetime.
For information about submitting a report via PATS, please see the Submission Guide. Also consider Project Publication details about how to publish (or not) your project online in PATS.
If you have any extenuating circumstances, Cardiff University's rules for postgraduate taught dissertations on the student intranet apply. You can obtain an extension or a deferral.
The mark is based on your project approach, argument, products and reflection (on equal weighting) according to the following criteria:
Your project dissertation will be marked independently by your academic supervisor and a second examiner (moderator) selected by the School on the basis of understanding of the subject area. They each give a mark out of 100. If their marks differ by 15 or less, the average is taken. If the difference is greater than 15, they meet to discuss the reasons for it and try to agree. If they cannot agree, a third marker will be appointed. You require a mark of at least 50% to pass; also, see the MSc project handbook mentioned above.