Interactive Cryptography Animations

Elena Corbally


Supervised by George Theodorakopoulos; Moderated by Padraig Corcoran

We are living in a world where technology is advancing rapidly and as a result, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important to ensure the protection of digital assets and privacy. Cybersecurity is a challenging subject to study, due to the complicated mathematics involved. This project addresses the need for effective online learning resources for students studying cybersecurity, specifically the RSA cryptography algorithm. The project aims to develop a web-based educational tool which teaches RSA by breaking down its complex concepts into more manageable steps. The tool follows a visual learning approach, employing interactive animations to assist the user's learning. The project was implemented using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and an agile-waterfall hybrid approach was followed during development. Overall, this project successfully fulfilled the aims it set out to achieve and the program is ready to be deployed as an e-learning tool. This paper will cover the details of the development of the project and will include a reflection outlining the challenges faced and the tasks accomplished throughout the course of the project.

Initial Plan (05/02/2024) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (10/05/2024) [Zip Archive]

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