District Nurse call scheduling problem

Charlotte E Lippiett


Supervised by Helen Phillips; Moderated by Yukun Lai

A team of district nurses allocate their calls randomly and then they have to individually organise their call list for the day. This is time consuming task for the staff as this needs to be done the day before as many calls require a certain level of staff to attend the call. Therefore many calls need to be swapped with other members of staff ahead of time in order for all calls to be covered. This project aims to implement a system that can distribute calls amongst staff based on their living location, their band staff level, the length of shift and what type of call is expected. This system should optimise staff within patient's houses and allow for more time to fill in important paperwork.

Initial Plan (19/10/2012) [Zip Archive]

Interim Report (14/12/2012) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (03/05/2013) [Zip Archive]

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