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AC-Hon-Pot: Tailored Honeypot Design for IP Camera and IoT Device Attack Analysis

Fatih Kurt


Supervised by Eirini S Anthi; Moderated by George Theodorakopoulos

Introducing AC-Hon-Pot, a specialized honeypot system meticulously crafted for IoT devices, with a focus on emulating IP cameras. This research delves deep into the realm of IoT cybersecurity, aiming to capture and analyze the modus operandi of attackers targeting these devices. By integrating the renowned Cowrie honeypot with a simulated IP camera interface, AC-Hon-Pot offers a dual attack surface, enhancing its attractiveness to potential attackers. The system not only logs intricate details of attack attempts but also provides a visual representation of the data using the Elastic Stack, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of attacker behaviors and strategies. This project underscores the significance of honeypots in the proactive defense of IoT devices, enhancing our understanding of the evolving cyber threat landscape."

Final Report (09/10/2023) [Zip Archive]

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