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Time stamp: 10:09:13-17/2/2025


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Projects from 2024

Aaron CheungUsing sentiment analysis to determine moods based on Spotify playlistsDr Daniela TsanevaNhat (Nick) Pham2324-CM3203
For many, music is a part of everyday life and can be linked to events they experience; it is linked to emotion and often used to improve our mood. This project aims to investigate how music listening habits were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 – this will be achieved by researching if a sentiment and mood can be accurately obtained from a song’s lyrics among other song data provided by Spotify, the world’s largest music streaming platform. To approach this, the project will...[more]
Abdul Rauf BhattiQuantifying human brain microstructure with self-supervised machine learning and MRIPaddy SlatorCharith Perera2324-CMT400
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a key role in diagnosis and monitoring of many diseases. Many emerging MRI techniques use machine learning to process MRI data into microstructural maps – maps of small-scale tissue structure and function, e.g., axon diameter, cell size, and blood flow. Self-supervised machine learning is emerging as a promising technique for producing such maps[1,2]. The aim of this project is to implement a self-supervised machine learning processing pipeline for a nov...[more]
Alanah ThomasCommunication app for non-verbal or autistic people to interact with social robotsMaria Jose (Marisé) Galvez TrigoAndrew Hood2324-CM3203
Social robots are used in different spaces that are shared between humans and robots. Often, communication with these robots requires the use of speech or gestures for the robot to understand how a person feels and react accordingly, which may make these interactions difficult for some autistic people or non-verbal people. The objective of this project is to develop a communication app that non-verbal and autistic people can use to communicate how they feel to one of our social robots (Pepper ...[more]
Alasdair JordanVR Dental Care - Conquering your dental fearsAnnelies GibsonSylwia Polberg2324Place-CMT403
53% of people are scared of the dentist, with many going untreated when a problem occurs. This can often lead to the person seeking medication online to treat their aliment instead of seeking treatment from their dentist. In extreme cases, people with severe anxiety regarding the dentist will attempt to perform a tooth extraction which can lead to complications and infections. The aim of this project is to create a VR dentist game in which the player will be exposed to the sights and sounds of a...[more]
Alex SmithProcedurally Generated Virtual RISK Boardgame with Artificial IntelligenceFrank C LangbeinNatasha Edwards2324-CM3203
A playable virtual RISK Boardgame on a procedurally generated map with Monte-Carlo Tree Search based AI designed to play against multiple opponents. Coded in C# using Unity.[more]
Aly NathaniOptimising Student Wellbeing and Performance through the Mindful Revision AppNervo Verdezoto DiasJing Wu2324-CM3203
Description: The ultimate goal of the project is to further design, implement and evaluate features for the MindfulRevision app that can help students to improve their academic performance and well-being in more effective and engaging ways. The MindfulRevision App ( is a new app that helps students revise for exams more mindfully and effectively. The app provides a variety of features, including: - Tools and techniques to manage stress - Techniques to help students focu...[more]
Amanda RamA Pocket-Sized ClinicAlia I AbdelmotyRhodri Morris2324-CM3203
Patients with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, can benefit from recording daily updates of their condition and their general state of health. If these records are communicated in an appropriate format to their health care professional, then they can get medical attention when they need it. If any symptoms deviate from a normal level, this will alert both the patient and the health-care professional to arrange a consultation. This project will design and develop an app that can be u...[more]
Andrei CondratiucInteractive Cryptography Animations for EducationGeorge TheodorakopoulosWei Zhou2324-CM3203
This project aims to create interactive security animations for education purposes, which will help the students to understand better the main cryptography concepts, and improve the efficiency of the learning process.[more]
Anfisa PhillipsOptimisation of Teaching Associate Module Allocation in a UniversityRichard BoothAric Fowler2324-CM3203
This research project aims to formulate and implement a model for effectively assigning various teaching tasks (e.g. marking support, class support) to Teaching Associates (TAs) in a university setting, using optimisation techniques. Project Objectives: 1. To understand and categorise the diverse teaching tasks related to various modules offered in the university. 2. To identify the skill sets and preferences of TAs for these modules. 3. To formulate a mathematical model that incorporates these...[more]
Aniket Arjun KanganeExplainable AI-based Framework for Malware DetectionTingting LiAlexia Zoumpoulaki2324-CMT400
With the increasing complexity and frequency of cyberattacks, the use of AI-based solutions for malware detection has become more prevalent. However, these solutions often rely on black box models that are difficult to trust and understand, making it challenging to provide accountability and transparency. The project will use machine learning algorithms to develop an AI-based framework for malware detection. The framework will be trained on a dataset of known malware samples using features ext...[more]
Anna WrightApplication of Bipartite Tournaments in Educational Assessment: A Comparative Study of Student Proficiency and Question DifficultyRichard BoothYazmin Ibanez Garcia2324-CM3203
A tournament consists of a finite set of players equipped with a beating relation describing pairwise comparisons between each pair of players. Determining a ranking of the players in a tournament has applications in voting, where players represent alternatives and x beats y if a majority of voters prefer x over y, paired comparisons analysis, where players represent products and the beating relation expresses the preferences of a consumer, search engines, sports and other domains. Bipartite to...[more]
Anubhav Sunil MishraDeveloping a web app to support dietitians in caring for women with gestational diabetesNervo Verdezoto DiasMatthew J W Morgan2324Place-CMT400
Description: This project will develop a web application to support dietitians in caring for women with gestational diabetes. Potential features of the app, as identified in the fieldwork, include: creating meal plans, inputting nutrition recommendations, and personalising the patients’ mobile app. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Beatriz Félix and Francisco Nunes from Fraunhofer AICOS. This thesis occurs in the context of a larger project, NUTRIA, which goal is to deve...[more]
Anukarthika RajashekarQuantifying risk score for human based on their susceptibility to phishingAmir JavedDr Katarzyna Stawarz2324-CMT403
The project aims to develop a risk score for each user based on their vulnerability to phishing emails. The aim of the project will be to understand human vulnerability and identify tactics that an advesary would target and then identify obserable features that can be used to quantify a risk score for each human. The aim of the project will be to 1) Identify obserable points to identify human vunerability to phishing. 2) Create a risk formula to assign a unique risk score for each users 3) Cre...[more]
Aoyang GuoDetecting AI-generated ImagesBailin DengChris B Jones2324-CM3203
In this project, you will develop a method to detect images generated with AI.[more]
Artem GavryushenkoEnhancing Stock Market Predictions through Integration of Market and Financial DataSylwia PolbergDr Daniela Tsaneva2324-CM3203
This project aims to refine stock market predictions by integrating market data with company financials. It focuses on resolving data compatibility challenges and enhancing predictive accuracy through selective data integration. This project addresses the lack of comprehensive datasets that combine these two data types and the need for predictive models that can interpret this integrated data effectively. By focusing on this aspect of the problem, the project aims to make a meaningful contribut...[more]
Benjamin JonesVirtual Reality designed for Older AdultsDr Daniel J. FinneganMartin Caminada2324-CM3203
This project will specifically explore virtual reality and its application in older adults. The student will conduct user research with older adults in the Grangetown area (Cardiff Bay) to understand their needs and gather a feature set for a future application. The student may then build the application and conduct user testing and evaluation. The interested student should come and talk to me for further details if they are interested in this project.[more]
Benjamin PeacockProject GRACEFernando LoizidesHantao Liu2324-CM3203
The current media industry is dominated by negative news, which contains strong emotional language that can significantly impact a reader’s mental well-being. This project introduces a website designed to mitigate these negative effects by selectively curating news articles with a positive sentiment. Using the Guardian API, our website retrieves a wide array of articles in real time, which are then filtered by their positivity. We use a document level, lexicon-based sentiment analysis algorit...[more]
Benjamin RoseA dungeons and dragons 5th edition character creation tool.Andrew HoodMohammad Taher Pilehvar2324-CM3203
This project aims to simplify the largest hurdle of playing dungeons and dragons: creating a character. Usually, a players first time playing requires either hours of research, or the dedicated time of an experienced player to coach them how to create a character. The standard sheet has over 150 sections that need to be filled out, most requiring specific knowledge and maths to understand, with numerous edge cases. This tool would supply a player a step by step process that would generate all ...[more]
Benjamin WatsonMedical image processing - bruisesPaul L RosinYipeng Qin2324-CMT403
This project will use a set of images of bruises that have been marked with circles to roughly outline their position. The project aim is to develop automatic detection of bruises using a combination of image processing and machine learning techniques. Here are a few relevant technical papers relating to image-based bruise analysis: Li, Cheng-Ru, et al. "Quantifying the color changes in bruised skin using a color-calibrated imaging system." 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurem...[more]
Byron BiggsDesigning an Interactive Game for Children under 2 Years Old to promote healthy eatingNervo Verdezoto DiasHiroyuki Kido2324-CM3203
Promoting healthy eating habits among toddlers is crucial for their physical and cognitive development. However, the potential of digital health technologies to encourage these practices in young children has not been fully realized. This project aims to bridge that gap by developing an interactive game that introduces toddlers to healthy foods in an engaging and educational way. The main objectives are: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing technology-enhanced solutions that promote heal...[more]
Cameron ScarlettMinecraft Edu Escape Rooms to Teach Cyber SecurityCatherine TeehanChris B Jones2324-CM3203
Using Minecraft for Education to develop a series of escape rooms that challenge players using cyber security techniques to help develop cyber security knowledge and skills.[more]
Chenyang XuCreating tools to enhance student-teacher assessment and feedback related communication in large Computer Science cohortsMatthew MoloughneyCharith Perera2324-CMT403
Given the ongoing trend in increasing numbers of students enrolling onto UK Higher Education taught Computer Science courses year-on-year, this project will consider how feedback from students about experiences of teaching/assessment might be captured from large cohorts of students and returned to a faculty who's membership may not have experienced a proportional increase. This project should consider the following: - ensuring consistency of communication for all students equally - co-creatio...[more]
Cheuk Kwan ChoiNeuralInvest: Effect of Insider Activities on Predicting US Stock Price Movements with Deep Learning ModelsFederico LiberatoreYazmin Ibanez Garcia2324-CMT403
Utilizing Deep Learning architectures to predict stock price movements has been a research focus since the introduction of artificial intelligence, in search of a way to make better, well-informed, and rational investment decisions. Numerous models were used with the price history, from Deep Neural Networks (DNN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), and Long Short-Term Memory (LTSM), to hybrid models like the CNN-LSTM model, all have a fairly decent prediction a...[more]
Christian HandEasy Secure Multi-party ComputationNeetesh SaxenaFernando Loizides2324-CM3203
Consider the following scenario: two hospitals, each having sensitive patient data, must compute statistical information about their joint data. Privacy regulations forbid them from sharing data in the clear with any entity. So, can they compute this information while keeping their private data encrypted (or “hidden”) from each other? Cryptography and specifically, the primitive Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC), provides an answer to this seemingly impossible task using sophisticated m...[more]
Christodoulos GabrielExploring Vulnerabilities in Smart Home IoT DevicesGeorge TheodorakopoulosAndrew Hood2324-CMT400
As Internet of Things (IoT) devices become increasingly integrated into smart homes, our residences have become prime targets for attackers due to their vulnerabilities. This dissertation topic delves into the vulnerabilities inherent in smart home IoT devices, aiming to comprehend the potential risks they pose to home security and privacy.[more]
Connor TwomeyProject GRACE 2: Good Reports and Cheerful EventsFernando LoizidesUsashi Chatterjee2324-CM3203
In this exciting project, we aim to develop a news website that focuses on curating uplifting news articles from the past 1-7 days. Our goal is to establish a "feel-good" news hub, providing readers with a positive alternative to conventional news platforms that often highlight negative stories. Your task will involve utilizing either web crawling techniques or a dedicated API for news feeds to gather recent articles through a daily batch process. Following the collection of articles, you will ...[more]
Daniel ClementsDesigning an Interactive Game for Children under 2 Years Old to promote healthy eatingNervo Verdezoto DiasMohammad Taher Pilehvar2324-CM3203
Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction, Design Thinking and user-centered and/or participatory design methods -Experience developing in several platforms including physical computing (e.g., Arduino, Raspberry pi, etc.) -Desirable experience with Spanish (not mandatory) A PhD student at the School, Deysi Ortega, is developing an interactive game that aims to encourage children to move around the space in an interactive mat and to expose them to the diversity of food. Child...[more]
Daniel GoldneyComparative Analysis of Deep Learning Vs Traditional Machine Learning Processes in Stock Price PredictionXianfang SunAlexia Zoumpoulaki2324-CM3203
This project aims to conduct a comparative analysis of deep learning and traditional machine learning models for short-term stock price prediction. In particular, long short-term memory (LSTM) is evaluated against support vector regression (SVR) and random forest (RF) models. Each model is evaluated using a dataset consisting of NASDAQ-listed stocks combined with macroeconomic indicators, technical metrics, public interest data, and recent movements of correlated stocks in order to obtain a comp...[more]
Davina SangheraGrasp Pose Evaluation Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision TechniquesJuan Hernandez VegaBailin Deng2324-CM3203
The field of robotics and automation has seen tremendous advancements in recent years, with a focus on enhancing the capabilities of robots to interact with the real world. One of the most challenging tasks for robots is the manipulation of novel objects in cluttered environments. This research involves the convergence of several cutting-edge technologies, including machine learning, computer vision, and computational robotics. This project aims to develop a framework to recognise and move nov...[more]
Derrianne DunnAn app to track, visualise and redistribute the mental load between couples with childrenDr Katarzyna StawarzNedjma Ousidhoum2324-CMT403
The ‘mental load’ is described as the cognitive and emotional labour of managing a household and family life. It tends to fall unequally to the mother after couples have children. There are many apps that aim to distribute physical chores more equally in families, but these do not address the invisible burden of the mental load. At worst, they create more admin for the person already carrying more mental load. They may even exacerbate the syndrome of one half of a couple requesting lists an...[more]
Digvijay ThakurWell-being Tracking AppCatherine TeehanAlia I Abdelmoty2324Place-CMT400
Working with Ysgol-y-Deri (a special needs school based in Penarth) to create an app that allows learners to track their own well-being. This app would allow learners to record a wellbeing score but from a school point of view it needs to be a layered system (Management access, teacher access, pupil access) and to ensure it’s GDPR compliant. This would be similar to an app that has been created We're in touch with the creators of this, who are keen for this to be...[more]
Dominik AlkhovikA Network-Based Backpacking APIDavid J HumphreysLiam Turner2324-CM3203
Currently, backpackers find it difficult to stay in touch with their peers and re-meet them in the future. Whilst existing solutions exist to help backpackers find new friends, none specifically address the issue of meeting those that have been previously met in the past. This report outlines the processes that were undertaken in developing an Application Programming Interface (API) to provide this functionality in a single, all-encapsulating system. Through research into the initial background ...[more]
Dylan LewisMachine learning of where people look in images/videosHantao LiuOmer F Rana2324-CM3203
Do you know where you are looking at while watching online videos? Do you know where the computers think you are looking at? Modelling visual saliency - predicting where human eyes pay attention to in visual content - has been a very active research area over the past few years in both academia and industry. This project aims to analyse visual attention data (both ground truth and predicted) in emerging applications in image and vision computing, such as computer rendered images, high-dynamic-ra...[more]
Edward JermynPlagiarism detectorPaul L RosinMohammad Taher Pilehvar2324-CM3203
This project will develop a program that can compare two sets of source code and identify significant similarities that indicate collusion. To cope with code obfuscation techniques some differences will need to be ignored (e.g. comments variations in white space, variable names, shifted blocks of text) while other small but idiosyncratic differences will be highlighted. Thus the code needs to be analysed both at a structural level as well as at a surface level.[more]
Ela McMorrowMedical Imaging Diagnosis AppAlia I AbdelmotyFrank C Langbein2324-CM3203
This project will develop an app to diagnose medical images, particularly MRI images. The app has two main gaols: the first goal is to help medical students practice their knowledge and learn from others on how to annotate and label medical images, and the second goal is to help the research in medical imaging by preparing a large data set of labelled images. A similar app can be found here An element of gaming can be added also to the app to make it fun to use and i...[more]
Elena CorballyInteractive Cryptography AnimationsGeorge TheodorakopoulosPadraig Corcoran2324-CM3203
We are living in a world where technology is advancing rapidly and as a result, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important to ensure the protection of digital assets and privacy. Cybersecurity is a challenging subject to study, due to the complicated mathematics involved. This project addresses the need for effective online learning resources for students studying cybersecurity, specifically the RSA cryptography algorithm. The project aims to develop a web-based educational tool which teac...[more]
Elis JacksonPrototype for a Blockchain-based Control and Communication System for Multilevel IoT NetworksYulia CherdantsevaYipeng Qin2324-CM3203
I have recently completed my year in industry placement at nChain, a blockchain research and development company in London. During the placement I was tasked with working on an academic paper titled “A Blockchain-based Control and Communication System for Multilevel IoT Networks”. The paper lays out a Multilevel IoT system that combines a centralised local command-and-control hierarchy with the distributed Bitcoin blockchain acting as back-end infrastructure. Users can create their own cus...[more]
Elliot SmithDigital Image Fingerprinting Using Image Noise AnalysisShancang LiOmer F Rana2324-CM3203
Digital image forensics over mobile devices Mobile devices have been widely used in our daily live, which can be used to take photos, video clips, audio, etc. For mobile devices with camera(s), each camera has a sensor that has a unique noise pattern, which is caused by the imperfections in silicon buffer used to create the sensor. This project aims to investigate the way to extract sensor noise patterns from images which could be used to identify specific digital image and mobile device.[more]
Ellis BurgessSymbolic Music Sentiment Transfer Through Extending a Style Transfer ModelAndrew JonesJing Wu2223Place-CMT403
This dissertation attempts symbolic music sentiment transfer across Russell’s four quadrants through bar-level control of musical attributes associated with changes in perceived sentiment. Based on a survey carried out by Panda et al., musical attributes associated with changes in perceived sentiment were identified and methods to extract them were created. These were added to the existing MuseMorphose model, a program designed for style transfer through attribute control. The model was retrai...[more]
Evelyn BinoDesigning an Interactive Application to Promote Healthy Eating Practices for Young AdultsNervo Verdezoto DiasStuart M Allen2324-CM3203
Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction and user-centered and/or participatory design methods -Experience developing mobile and/or web applications in several platforms (e.g., Android, HTML5 & Javascript, etc.) -Desirable experience with Spanish (not mandatory) Digital health technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent to support self-care practices aiming to enhance people’s health and wellbeing. However, their potential to promote healthy eating practices amon...[more]
Fabien RobertsDesigning an E-Voting System for political elections in the United KingdomNatasha EdwardsVíctor Gutiérrez Basulto2324-CM3203
Currently, voting in UK elections is carried out using a 'pen and paper' method. The aim of this project is to propose a system to enable online voting (e-voting) in the UK to be used in both, local and national elections. This project is expected to involve assessment of current practices and processes, and evaluation of alternatives, which will then form the basis for a detailed design of the system infrastructure, architecture and interface(s). A prototype or a MVP will demonstrate the most...[more]
Finlay HoultonAutomation Toolkit: Enhancing Macro DevelopmentDr Daniela TsanevaIrena Spasic2324-CM3203
Problem description: AutoHotKey is a powerful scripting language used to create automated programs. At the end of 2022, AHK version 2 was released, deprecating version 1, along with significant changes to syntax, functions, and data-types, posing a challenge to both advanced and novice users. While automation can easily increase productivity, streamline tasks, and reduce repetitive workload in large sectors such as manufacturing, office work, and healthcare, AHK relies on the user to grasp prog...[more]
George McTavishUsing Robotics as an assistive technology to help Adults with ADHD symptomsMaria Jose (Marisé) Galvez TrigoJing Wu2324-CM3203
Adults with ADHD face unique challenges to children with the condition. This project explores the potential in alleviating distraction in this group by using a robot to prompt the user to become attentive again when distraction was detected. A program was then created to run using MiRo-E, a social robot with an animal like design. This program uses Computer Vision Methods for detecting attributes indictive of distraction, which were discovered through a literature review of Driver Distraction De...[more]
Gib ClaytonInteractive Twine Story to teach Cyber SecurityCatherine TeehanWalter Colombo2324-CM3203
This project is to create an interactive story using twine to teach young people about key cybersecurity topics in line with the new Curriculum for Wales's Digital Competency Framework progression step 2. This story would be accompanied by learning resources to support educators in delivering it in a classroom environment[more]
Hadeel AbedTowards Controlling IoT Devices to Utilise Brain, Eye Movement, and Facial Muscle Signals to Control a Smart TV: A Preliminary StudyNhat (Nick) PhamStuart M Allen2324-CM3203
Imagine that someday in the near future, all the smart devices in our homes and offices could be controlled automatically through our thoughts, eye blinks, or just some facial expressions. We will take a small step in this project to achieve this sci-fi vision. We will use a novel biosensing platform called Earable, which has been developed and tested in our lab. The Earable platform has the form factor of a smart earphone and can provide highly sensitive biosignals from the brain (EEG), eyes (E...[more]
Hamad AbdullahICS Honeypot System for Practical Collection of Threat IntelligenceNeetesh SaxenaOmer F Rana2324-CM3203
Industrial control systems manage essential resources for most countries to function. Consequently, the compromising of such systems will result in irreversible damage. Thus, companies that oversee necessary country resources like oil and water pipelines and water treatment plants must gain threat awareness by gathering threat intelligence. One of the ways to gather threat intelligence is by using Honeypots. Honeypots are an evolving security mechanism that proactively identifies new atta...[more]
Hamood Al-WahaibiAnalysing injection attacksNeetesh SaxenaMohammad Taher Pilehvar2324-CM3203
The aim of this project is to analyse given dataset (PCAP files) and anlyse packet injection attacks. The project outcomes are the key findings and takeaways from the injection attacks (in the dataset) and reflect on the key gaps in security and possible recommendations.[more]
Hamza AljahwariCyber Security Education Online Portal [Multiple Projects Available]Yulia CherdantsevaAnnelies Gibson2324-CM3203
The aim of this project is to develop a web-application for hosting cyber security educational material for audiences of different ages starting from primary school and up to the MSc level, and beyond. The application will have must allow access to educational material, allow filtering of material based on different criteria. User roles in the application will include: Admin, Educator, and Participant. The access permissions will vary based on the role. The material stored will vary by type and ...[more]
Hayley YauSex differences in Motion Sickness in Virtual RealityDr Daniel J. FinneganRichard Booth2324-CM3203
This project will investigate sex differences in motion sickness experiences during exposure to immersive virtual reality. Previous research has identified sex differences in onset of motion sickness; as VR is more and more used in non-entertainment domains such as emergency services training, this may lead to systemic biases in the effectiveness of training interventions. Strong HCI and experiment design skills are essential for this project. Off the shelf virtual reality applications are fine,...[more]
Henry ByrneModelling Cyber-Attacks on Modbus TCP Protocol in ICSNeetesh SaxenaChristopher Wallbridge2324-CM3203
This project designs, develops and implements cyber-attacks on Modbus TCP protocol in ICS. You really need strong interest in programming (Python), you will be given the code which you need to understand and alter to mount cyber-attacks and obtain results/impact.[more]
Hongxuan YangDetecting Lies in Text based on DistilBERT model with few shot learningAlexia ZoumpoulakiNeetesh Saxena2324-CMT400
Lie Detection in text is a very active research field. From new stories to tweets interest in detecting lies is constantly growing. Many different datasets for training and many different models to do so exist. This project will explore how these models perform within specific contexts and their generalisation across datasets. Students need to have good coding skills in python and an interest in machine learning including deep learning.[more]
Ioan CooksonOptimisation Solutions for the Kidney Exchange ProblemRichard BoothOktay Karakus2324-CM3203
In this project, the main focus is to devise, implement, and evaluate an efficient algorithm for solving the optimal matching problem within the context of the kidney exchange program. Kidney exchange programs aim at pairing kidney patients with suitable donors. The main challenge is finding the optimal match, which poses a significant computational problem, especially given the biological and temporal complexities involved. The project leverages on the student's capabilities in computer scienc...[more]
Ishan Vibhakar MehendaleDeveloping a mobile application to support women with gestational diabetesNervo Verdezoto DiasJing Wu2324-CMT400
Description: This project will develop a mobile application to support the self-care and learning of women with gestational diabetes. Potential features of the app, as identified in the fieldwork, include: meal reminders, glucose measurement reminders, meal plan display, meal/recipe recommendations (algorithm under development in NUTRIA), and nutrition learning modules. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Beatriz Félix and Francisco Nunes from Fraunhofer AICOS. This thesis o...[more]
Ivo KosaPipeline and Benchmarking for 3D Object Reconstruction using a Robotic ManipulatorJuan Hernandez VegaYukun Lai2324-CM3203
The fields of computer vision and robotics are now more than ever being researched in tandem, with many aspects of both fields being developed in the context of the other. Within these two fields, the topic of 3D object reconstruction is a heavily researched one, using a series of 2D images in order to create 3D models. This area has a wide variety of possible applications in many different industries, ranging from tolerance checking within manufacturing, to geological surveys using aerial photo...[more]
Jack HartePatient Management System for A&EPaddy SlatorCharith Perera2324-CM3203
The NHS’s emergency departments are under pressure as complaints about the waiting times, a key component of measured patient satisfaction, continue to mount. To increase patient satisfaction, a potential route is to attempt to reduce perceived wait time. There is a popular psychological idea that unknown waits are longer than known. By providing accurate, personalized wait times it is possible to ease anxieties, leading to a lesser perceived wait time. Research has shown that it is possible ...[more]
Jacob LozaDesigning an interactive prototype for wall surfaces to promote fine motor skills and exposes children to food diversityNervo Verdezoto DiasOktay Karakus2324-CM3203
Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction, Design Thinking and User Experience (e.g., user-centered and/or participatory design methods) -Experience developing in several platforms including physical computing prototyping (e.g., Arduino, Raspberry pi, etc.) -Desirable experience with Spanish (not mandatory) This will be co-supervised by the PhD student Deysi Ortega The aim of the prototype is to encourage children to: - to categorise different types of food (mainly fruits, ...[more]
Jake LinehamProject GRACE: App for Positive NewsFernando LoizidesLiam Turner2324-CM3203
This project is focused on delivering an app that delivers positive news to its users. This app may then be used as a tool to potentially improve the mental health of its users and aid in preventing "doomscrolling". This is done by using an API to gain news articles from varying sources and running sentiment analysis on them to determine if they are positive or negative. This process is completed daily to display new articles on the app every day. These articles are then displayed in a feed for ...[more]
Jake PalmerFramework for Forensic Analysis of Cyber-Physical Attacks: Correlating Digital Traces with Physical OutcomesEirini S AnthiLiam Turner2324-CM3203
The primary aim of this project is to create a detailed framework that guides the forensic analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS) following a security breach, with a focus on correlating the digital evidence with the physical consequences of the attack. The dissertation should produce a forensic analysis framework that is capable of guiding investigators through the complex nature of cyber-physical attacks. The framework should be versatile enough to apply to a range of CPS scenarios, from in...[more]
James McCrossanHome based VR Kickboxing training using Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Unity.Dr Katarzyna StawarzCarolina Fuentes Toro2324-CMT403
This project is an MVP proof-of-concept Kickboxing Simulator for experienced kickboxing practitioners to spar. It uses Virtual Reality, Machine Learning and Unity.[more]
James RiordanIntegrating Theory and Practice: A Comprehensive Analysis and Prototype Development in Predictive Policing and Hot Spot Policing ModelsFederico LiberatoreJing Wu2324-CM3203
The topic of this project is a systematic literature review that explores the state of the art in Predictive Policing and Hot Spot Policing models. In particular, the review should focus on: - Type of model - Dataset - Features considered - Issues, challenges, limitations, drawbacks... It then takes these into account when delivering a Prototype system.[more]
Jana Jhaveri“Dogtor” - An Integrated Online Solution for Canine Health Management and Well-being.Dr Daniel J. FinneganAmir Javed2324-CM3203
The primary objective of my proposed UG Final project is to develop a robust and user-friendly mobile application, "Dogtor," that caters to the diverse needs of dog owners. The app will seamlessly integrate health monitoring, vet records management, convenient shopping for pet supplies, and other valuable functionalities, enhancing the overall well-being of dogs and easing the responsibilities of their caregivers.[more]
Jianming ZhengFast Video PredictionBailin DengJuan Hernandez Vega2324-CMT403
Video Prediction is a computer vision task that involves predicting future frames given past video frames (see for some existing papers and benchmarks). It can be used for a variety of applications, including autonomous vehicles, robotics, and weather forecasting. The goal of this project is to develop a deep learning based video prediction method that can achieve sufficient efficiency and accuracy. The student should be familiar with Python progr...[more]
Jiayi DengVirtual Reality (VR) Image Quality PredictionWei ZhouBailin Deng2324-CMT403
Virtual reality (VR) has gained wide attention nowadays. In our project, we would like to investigate the quality of VR images. It would be better to send me your CV when contacted.[more]
Jie CaiGrasping Regions through Reinforcement Learning TechniqueJuan Hernandez VegaAlexia Zoumpoulaki2324Place-CMT403
Grasping objects is one of the basic and most common tasks that a robot (such as manipulator arms or mobile manipulators) has to do. While it is considered a simple task for humans, sometimes it could be a challenging robot operation. For a robot, grasping an object normally involves perception to detect the object, planning to approach and grasp the object, and control to drive the robot through the planned motion. With the increasing popularity of learning techniques, new frameworks/libraries ...[more]
Kebba SaineDigital TransformationCatherine TeehanOktay Karakus2324Place-CMT404
Working with an organisation to map current business processes using a variety of business situational awareness methodologies with the aim to identify where Business Process Automation would fit and develop an automation strategy with potential to implement the identified BPAs.[more]
Lewis HarmanCould gamification help procrastination?Liam TurnerOktay Karakus2324-CM3203
Simply put, I find most work tasks laborious and many others are the same. Currently, up to 20% of the population chronically procrastinates (Steel, 2007). Moreover, it is much worse in academia, where up to 95% of university students procrastinate (Steel, 2007), of which 75% of university students actively acknowledge their procrastination (Steel, 2007). With over 95% of procrastinators wanting to reduce their (self-perceived) bad habits (Steel, 2007), it may be worth exploring some solutions. ...[more]
Liam HobbyA Pocket-Sized ClinicAlia I AbdelmotyYipeng Qin2324-CM3203
Clinical trials are a component of medical research in which human-subject volunteers participate in long-term scientific studies to determine the safety, efficacy, tolerability, and associated health outcomes of new therapeutic medications. Trial participants, referred to as ‘subjects’ are typically members of the public who are experiencing long-term health problems as a result of some target disease. The timespan of these trials is often one year or greater, and the burden of procedure ca...[more]
Liam UnderhillImplementation of Object Tracking for Tabletop Gaming and its Application to TeachingJenny HighfieldNhat (Nick) Pham2324-CM3203
In tabletop gaming, namely Dungeons&Dragons, we aim to explore and tell complex and engaging stories. Those involved in creating these stories can intimately visualise them but when trying to recount these stories to others, it is often difficult for those listening to do the same. Similarly in Cyber Security, experts in the field may know an incident they are trying to convey inside out, but to a layman the explanation can be hard to understand. Demonstrating and recounting events visuall...[more]
Linyi LiNatural Language Processing for Analysing Abusive Behaviour on Social MediaNedjma OusidhoumCharith Perera2324-CMT403
Natural Language Processing has been used to help with online moderation of forums, social media, and other platforms. In this work, the student will study the motivation for using natural language processing to assist moderators through studying abusive behavior in online platforms using a machine learning model trained on a publicly available dataset. The student will then analyse their experimental results and share their insights.[more]
Lloyd OxenhamUsing Twine to Create an Interactive Story to Teach About Pit Ponies and Life in the Welsh Coal MinesCatherine TeehanIrena Spasic2324-CM3203
Pit ponies were ponies and small horses often used in various types of underground mines all over the world, most prominently during the 19th and 20th centuries. The goal of this project is to create an interactive story using Twine to teach learners aged 9 - 11 about the sorts of lives that pit ponies lived, the work that they did, their contributions to Welsh coal mines, as well as life in Welsh coal mines in general. This story will also be supported by and will interact with a number of add...[more]
Loic Lorente LemoineDesign a tiny machine learning model to detect epileptic seizures on wearablesNhat (Nick) PhamIrena Spasic2324-CM3203
The wearable healthcare market has been experiencing significant growth in recent years, reaching £100 million in 2020 and over £60 billion globally by 2028. Healthcare wearable devices are predicted to be the next generation of personal telemedicine practice. This is especially important for patients with chronic diseases and after surgery, where constant monitoring is essential to prevent fatalities. In this project, we will explore how to implement a tiny and efficient machine-learning mode...[more]
Luyang LiuDeep Learning and Natural Language Processing for analysis of Medical TextsAlia I AbdelmotyCarolina Fuentes Toro2324-CMT403
This project will allow you to learn and experiment with NLP tools and ML methods for analysing large medical text corpora. You will explore methods for named entity recognition and relationship extraction. You will make use of exisitng libraries and tools and sample applications and tutorials. The project will give you an understanding of availalbe methods and problems and knowledge of how to develop and evaluate ML methods[more]
Lydia HanahoeVR Dental Care - Conquering your dental fearsAnnelies GibsonChris B Jones2324-CMT403
53% of people are scared of the dentist, with many going untreated when a problem occurs. This can often lead to the person seeking medication online to treat their aliment instead of seeking treatment from their dentist. In extreme cases, people with severe anxiety regarding the dentist will attempt to perform a tooth extraction which can lead to complications and infections. The aim of this project is to create a VR dentist game in which the player will be exposed to the sights and sounds of a...[more]
Maheep RainaDesigning an Interactive Application to Promote Healthy Ageing among Older Adults at HomeNervo Verdezoto DiasWalter Colombo2324-CM3203
Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction and user-centered and/or participatory design methods -Experience developing mobile and/or web applications in several platforms (e.g., Android, HTML5 & Javascript, etc.) -Desirable experience with Spanish (not mandatory) Digital health technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent to support and enhance the everyday experiences of older adults. However, their potential to promote healthy ageing practices has been limited. T...[more]
Mark AryaUsing Machine Learning to Predict the Outcome of Football MatchesHiroyuki KidoRhodri Morris2324-CM3203
This project explores the use of machine learning algorithms to predict the outcome of football matches in the English Premier League (EPL). It intends to create a working model, using common match statistics such as xG (expected goals), shots on target (sot), and more in order to make these predictions. It is successfully predicted historical match results to high accuracy and precision, and also was able to predict the results of unplayed matches also with good accuracy and precision. This mod...[more]
Matthew WilliamsDesigning an Interactive Application to Promote Healthy Ageing among Older Adults at HomeNervo Verdezoto DiasDr Soumya Barathi2324-CM3203
Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction and user-centered and/or participatory design methods -Experience developing mobile and/or web applications in several platforms (e.g., Android, HTML5 & Javascript, etc.) -Desirable experience with Spanish (not mandatory) Digital health technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent to support and enhance the everyday experiences of older adults. However, their potential to promote healthy ageing practices has been limited. T...[more]
Max Christopher ChristopherEvaluating large language models abiltiy to speak Welsh.Fernando Alva ManchegoFrank C Langbein2324-CMT400
Y Tiwtiadur ( is a website that collects tools designed for data-driven teaching and learning of Welsh. In the context of the CorCenCC project (, four tools were developed: - Gap-Fill (Cloze) tool allowing teachers to delete words from a text at specified intervals to encourage or assess comprehension abilities and prediction strategies - Vocab Profiler tool that enables the grading of texts by word frequency - Word Identification tool testi...[more]
Max PalmerCyber Security Education Online Portal [Multiple Projects Available]Yulia CherdantsevaChristopher Wallbridge2324-CM3203
The aim of this project is to develop a web-application for hosting cyber security educational material for audiences of different ages starting from primary school and up to the MSc level, and beyond. The application will have must allow access to educational material, allow filtering of material based on different criteria. User roles in the application will include: Admin, Educator, and Participant. The access permissions will vary based on the role. The material stored will vary by type and ...[more]
Md Md FaridEnhanced Company Data Compilation for Marketing AnalysisFederico LiberatoreWalter Colombo2324-CM3203
In the realm of marketing, company-related data plays a crucial role in segmentation and analysis. However, missing data can hinder the effectiveness of these efforts. The goal of this project is to develop a platform that not only extracts data from various online sources but also compiles and structures it into a comprehensive database. This database will serve as a valuable resource for marketing exercises, allowing for more refined client segmentation and in-depth analysis. By filling in ga...[more]
Mengze LiBuilding a Twitter Spaces Clone with Neo4JAlia I AbdelmotyFrank C Langbein2324-CMT403
In this project you will learn how to use a Graph Database as a store for social network data through building a Twitter Clone. In particular you will focus on the new Twitter Spaces audio-based social network. You will explore and extend an exisitng Twitter clone application to consider how to handle the audio content and interaction in these application. You can also propose and develop NLP methods to process the audio files to build rich user profiles. You will evaluate how the interaction...[more]
Mohammed AhmedSpying with a microphoneKirill SidorovCarolina Fuentes Toro2324-CM3203
This project aims to develop an acoustic side-channel attack deep learning model capable of identifying and classifying keystrokes based on the sounds produced by the keyboard during typing. This system leverages advancements in audio processing and machine learning techniques, specifically, Convolutional and self-Attention Networks for deep learning, Mel-spectrograms for image representation, and SpecAugment for data augmentation.[more]
Molly RichardsEducational Cryptography AnimationsGeorge TheodorakopoulosTheodoros Spyridopoulos2324-CM3203
Interactive animations are a useful educational tool that actively engage the learner in the learning process, giving immediate feedback about the concept or skill being learned. In parallel, security education has been identified as a priority nationally and worldwide. In this project, you will design and develop interactive animations for cryptographic or more general security concepts and processes, e.g. stream ciphers, block ciphers, modes of operation, hash functions.[more]
Monika RamelVisualizing and Evaluating Prototypical Explanations and Super-Prototypes in Computer VisionNico PotykaHantao Liu2324-CMT400
Interpretable Machine Learning aims at designing machine learning models that are human-interpretable [A]. Computer vision is a particularly challenging domain. Many state-of-the-art models tend to learn surface statistical regularities rather than concepts that are meaningful to humans. This does not only cause interpretability, but also robustness problems. For example, researchers in adversarial machine learning demonstrated that the interpretation of traffic signs can change dependent on the...[more]
Morgan (Apolli) PlumsteadWebApp Health & Safety Platform for Construction BusinessesNico PotykaMatthew J W Morgan2324-CM3203
The WebApp platform is designed to help construction businesses promote health and safety at their sites. The platform provides a range of plugins that can be enabled per site, depending on the specific needs of the business. These plugins include: Telematics: This plugin allows construction businesses to track and trace equipment on site, providing real-time data from machines such as vans, trucks, excavators, and loaders. CO2 Footprint: This plugin helps businesses measure and reduce...[more]
Nairitya TaleAutomated Intrusion Response for Mitigating IoT Attacks Using Large Language ModelsEirini S AnthiTheodoros Spyridopoulos2324-CMT400
This project will explore how LLMs can be used for automating the launch of countermeasures in IoT networks.[more]
Nannan DengAIGC-driven intelligent BI platform systemXianfang SunAndrew Hood2324-CMT403
An AIGC-driven intelligent BI platform system (AIGC-BIPS) project based on the Spring Boot framework and the popular AIGC. The project aims to create an intelligent data analysis and visualization platform. Different from previous data platforms, users can import original data sets and enter analysis requirements (such as analysing the growth trend of a website), and then use AI to automatically generate charts and analysis conclusions that meet the requirements and automatically generate visual...[more]
Narinthorn ChinvoraratWorm Dynamic Evolution: Investigating Polymorphic Payloads in Cybersecurity Worms to Enhance Exploitability and Evasion TacticsAndrew HoodFernando Loizides2324Place-CMT400
The thesis mainly focuses on investigating what causes computer worms to dynamically change their behavior during the spreading process and the implementation technique behind that polymorphic behavior. Moreover, this dissertation also explores the generic worm's implementation technique and the possibility of improvement of existing areas related to the dynamic evolution of computer worms.[more]
Nirav ShahDesign and Prototype an Application to Promote Healthy Eating at HomeMaria Jose (Marisé) Galvez TrigoOmer F Rana2324-CM3203
This application is to design an application to promote healthy eating within households for a range of age groups within a family making sure this application shows what foods are best for each age group whether that is for children, parents and grandparents. Potentially a gamification element for children to promote healthy eating and educating parents on good eating habits.[more]
Nirupama PatraBengali Lexical SimplificationFernando Alva ManchegoLiam Turner2324Place-CMT400
The goal of this project is to employ natural language processing technologies in the context of educational applications. Possible topics include (but not limited to): - generation of quizzes to assess reading comprehension - scoring/evaluation of written student responses - generation of feedback for student essays - assistance in academic writing - grammatical error detection and correction - support for language learning The specifics of the project would need to be discussed, and the scop...[more]
Oliver HancockEvaluation of Deep Learning Strategies in the Field of Bankruptcy PredictionWalter ColomboMatthew J W Morgan2324-CM3203
A style of investing that can produce significant returns is called Deep Value Investing. It involves finding companies that are in dire straits and have poor financial with a stock price that reflects this risk. however, where there is risk there is reward and these companies can have incredible returns if their finances are improved. There is a dataset available on Kaggle that is from the Taiwan Economic Journal 1999-2009 listing 6819 companies with 96 financial metrics which I would plan on u...[more]
Omar AlduwaysanEnhancing Urban Mobility with IoT: Autonomous Path Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance in Smart CarsCharith PereraHantao Liu2324-CM3203
This dissertation addresses the development of an IoT-enabled smart car system capable of autonomous navigation and obstacle management within a simulated urban environment. The primary objective was to design a smart car that can follow a predefined path marked by black tape, detect road forks, and avoid both static and dynamic obstacles in real-time. The methodology adopted included an extensive literature review, iterative design and implementation phases, and rigorous testing in controlled e...[more]
Omkar Dnyaneshwar DeshmukhDesign and Implementation of a Machine Learning-Based Crawler for the Detection of Malicious Websites via Multi-Dimensional Feature AnalysisAmir JavedYulia Cherdantseva2324-CMT400
This dissertation explores the development of a web crawler that utilises machine learning for detecting malicious websites. The research focuses on enhancing detection by analysing both URL-based and content-based features, including visible text and metadata, and exploring whether sentiment-based analysis can improve the accuracy of detection models. Traditional methods rely heavily on URL lexical analysis, which is often insufficient due to evasion techniques like URL shortening. This project...[more]
Phil Evans Leveraging Shodan's API for Cyber Threat IntelligenceEirini S AnthiTheodoros Spyridopoulos2223PT-CMT400
Utilise Shodan's API to gather cyber threat intelligence and identify vulnerable systems and networks. Develop an automated framework to analyze the collected data and provide actionable insights to enhance cybersecurity. To achieve this, the project will involve collecting data using Shodan's API and storing it in a database. The collected data will then be analysed using an automated framework that will utilise machine learning algorithms and statistical analysis techniques. The goal of the an...[more]
Philip RowleyBuild a Routing Web App With Graph DatabasesAlia I AbdelmotySylwia Polberg2324-CM3203
This project will use a Graph Database (Neo4j) and map data from OpenStreetMap ( to build a routing web app. You will use the spatial functionality available in the model and the query language, and learn how to leverage Neo4j's Graph Data Science functionality when working with geospatial data, how to visualize the results of analysis, and how to use Neo4j with common geospatial tools in the Python ecosystem such as GeoPandas, Matplotlib and Shapely. Keywords: Gra...[more]
Pun Ching Desiree YanContinuous Eye Tracking Framework For Manual Input Comparison With High-Level Telepresence RobotsJuan Hernandez VegaUsashi Chatterjee2324-CMT403
Human-robot interaction (HRI) and human-robot collaboration (HRC) are relevant areas of robotics that explore the necessary requirements that allow robots to work alongside humans. One key aspect of such collaboration is establishing an efficient transmission of information between robots and humans. A recent and novel approach to this challenge has been the use of virtual reality (VR). Current gaze-control layout for teleoperation often suffers from various challenges such as ambitious layout a...[more]
Qin YiDesigning a Mobile Educational Game to Promote Healthy Eating among UK ChildrenNervo Verdezoto DiasDr Katarzyna Stawarz2324Place-CMT403
Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction and user-centered and/or participatory design methods -Experience developing mobile and/or web applications in several platforms (e.g., Android, HTML5 & Javascript, etc.) -Desirable experience with Spanish (not mandatory) Digital health technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent to support self-care practices aiming to enhance people’s health and wellbeing. However, their potential to promote healthy eating practices amon...[more]
Rajas GadgilEnhancing Cardiff University students’ academic experience with LLM based ChatbotDr Daniela TsanevaFrank C Langbein2324-CMT400
The goal of this project is to develop a web portal with an integrated LLM (Large Language Model) chatbot designed to enhance Cardiff students' university learning and research experiences. The chatbot aims to assist students by providing detailed information on various aspects such as course modules, fees, lecturers, examination schedules, and submission deadlines. Additionally, the chatbot will include an integrated translation feature that converts lecture slides and videos into students' n...[more]
Rebecca RoweSocial Engineering with Pepper RobotChristopher WallbridgeAmir Javed2324-CM3203
Often one of the security measures used by institutions such as banks is to ask you ‘secret questions’ such as ‘What was your first job?’ or ‘What was the name of your first pet?’. Many scams online and on social media attempt to target this information, and awareness has grown. We probably don’t think too much about divulging some of this information in casual conversation with people -it is unlikely that someone we meet will remember all the details from just a casual conversatio...[more]
Reece NanaOptimising Student Wellbeing and Performance through the Mindful Revision App - ShareabilityNervo Verdezoto DiasAlia I Abdelmoty2324-CM3203
Description: The ultimate goal of the project is to further design, implement and evaluate features for the MindfulRevision app that can help students to improve their academic performance and well-being in more effective and engaging ways. The MindfulRevision App ( is a new app that helps students revise for exams more mindfully and effectively. The app provides a variety of features, including: - Tools and techniques to manage stress - Techniques to help students focu...[more]
Reuben BakerDesign and evaluation of a new language for music notationKirill SidorovLiam Turner2324-CM3203
Current music notation, which has evolved over the centuries, presents challenges to both performers and composers. Its inherent design is performer-centric, focusing mainly on which notes to play, when, and how. Due to its orientation around the diatonic scale, visual distance between notes does not correspond exactly to musical intervals, leading to complexities in different clefs and rules for spelling sharps and flats. For composers and musicologists, understanding the intervals between not...[more]
Robert KennardCyper PlayCatherine TeehanYulia Cherdantseva2324-CMT404
In collaboration with Bridgend College's STEAM Academy, we are looking to develop an interactive and immersive experience for children and young people to learn about online safety, cyber security and cyber forensics in the form of a theatre production. The production will be approximately 45 minutes and will be supported by learning resources for use in the classroom. The experience would include audience participation to both control the storyline and as a player in the storyline. The student...[more]
Roshni CharlesDiscovery of the recent music trends based on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter or SpotifyDr Daniela TsanevaTheodoros Spyridopoulos2324-CM3203
Music industry is moving fast, and new trends are emerging quickly. This project will work on predicting the new trends in music genres based on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter or Spotify. By analyzing the sentiments of the users automatically we can provide statistical information about the music genre which is favorite to most of them and based on that make a prediction of future music trends. Good Python programming skills is required for this project since a Sentiment Analysis classifier need...[more]
Sam RobertsUsing Machine Learning to Predict When Footballers Will PeakFederico LiberatoreUsashi Chatterjee2324-CMT403
As an avid sports enthusiast, I am passionate about football and how I can solve problems in football through computing. In this project, I propose to create a predictive model that can determine when a football player is likely to reach their peak performance. Understanding when a player will reach this phase in their career can significantly impact a manager/coach's decisions, contract negotiations, and overall team success. Given the recent tightening of the enforcement of Financial Fair Pla...[more]
Samuel CrootWhite box song recommendation algorithmAlexia ZoumpoulakiRhodri Morris2324-CM3203
Recommendation algorithms are an integral part of numerous content delivery platforms, with Music platforms at the forefront of innovation. Increasingly music tastes are defined by these algorithms with a growing number of songs being discovered through recommendation algorithms every year. Spotify alone makes 1.9 billion recommendations daily (Wallace, 2023). However, the algorithms being used are a closely guarded industry secret raising ethical concerns about how exactly these recommendations...[more]
Sanad JarradCapturing heart activities by using acoustic signals from mobile phonesNhat (Nick) PhamPadraig Corcoran2324-CM3203
Measuring heart activities (heartbeats) is critical for the early diagnosis of many killer diseases, such as hypertension, heart attacks, or strokes. However, the conventional methods and devices (e.g., Electrocardiograms) are still cumbersome for frequent usage. In this project, we will explore using our mobile phones, which are widely available nowadays, to capture heartbeats. There will be two main tasks: (1) implement the function on a mobile phone to capture audio signals from its microphon...[more]
Santosh MunianAdvanced Beach Monitoring: Cutting-edge Techniques to Extend Mean Low Water SpringsOktay KarakusAlia I Abdelmoty2324-CMT400
Historic beach profiles in Wales have only been collected for the shorter chainage length of the Mean Low Water Neaps datum. These profiles are essential for informing the impact of Climate Change and sea level rise but cannot be compared to modern profiles which collect data on the longer chainage length of Mean Low Water Springs. Utilising AI techniques, we would like to extend chainage measurements along the shoreline to Mean Low Water Springs, enhancing comparability with modern profiles. Th...[more]
Sarmad MushtaqVR Dental Care - Conquering your dental fearsAnnelies GibsonNeetesh Saxena2324-CMT403
53% of people are scared of the dentist, with many going untreated when a problem occurs. This can often lead to the person seeking medication online to treat their aliment instead of seeking treatment from their dentist. In extreme cases, people with severe anxiety regarding the dentist will attempt to perform a tooth extraction which can lead to complications and infections. The aim of this project is to create a VR dentist game in which the player will be exposed to the sights and sounds of a...[more]
Sean HisemanCommunity Social Media WebsiteDr Daniela TsanevaWei Zhou2324-CM3203
This project will build a website where users post video, image or text content either to their own profile or to groups. The target audience will be young people such as students, although it could be used by anyone. Each post has likes and dislikes as well as a comment section. Each user has a limited number of likes/dislikes per day, and each piece of content can be liked/disliked multiple times. Everyone has a curated content feed with posts from their followed users and groups, as well as r...[more]
Seynab AbdirahmanFormula One Companion App: Using a Mobile Application to Improve Accessibility and Understanding of Formula OneFernando Alva ManchegoIrena Spasic2324-CMT403
The complicated nature of Formula 1 (F1) presents a significant barrier to new and potential fans, making it challenging for them to access and engage fully with the sport. Despite efforts by Liberty Media, including the popular Netflix series "Drive to Survive", the intricate technical details, complex rules and strategic components of F1 make it challenging for new viewers to understand. This complexity often leads to a fragmented and less satisfying experience, highlighting the need for a mor...[more]
Shaheer BalouchMotion Planning for Robot Object Manipulation Using Machine LearningJuan Hernandez VegaMaria Jose (Marisé) Galvez Trigo2324-CM3203
Motion planning is a relevant research area in robotics and its purpose is to find a collision-free path from a start to a goal robot configuration. Especially for manipulator arms, planning problems require contact-rich interactions between a robot and the objects in the environment without collision. There are several techniques to solve these problems, such as search-based and sampling-based algorithms. Besides these techniques, learning-based methods are used to enhance efficiency at solving...[more]
Sharwari DaliReverse Engineering QR codes and analysing error correctionAndrew HoodAmir Javed2324-CMT400
Explore reverse engineering QR codes for phishing. Explore how many steps (or how many extra squares we need to colour extra in the QR code with a black pen maliciously) to generate a QR code from a malicious link.[more]
Sikai LiangAI Generated Image Quality PredictionWei ZhouHantao Liu2324-CMT400
Recent years have witnessed the fast development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, large model-driven generative AI has become an emerging topic. In this project, we would like to analyse the quality of AI generated images. It would be better to send me your CV when contacted.[more]
Sohaib Ayubhacking human vulnerability to phishingAmir JavedFernando Alva Manchego2324Place-CMT403
Phishing poses a significant and persistent threat in the realm of cybersecurity, targeting individuals, businesses, and organisations alike. This insidious tactic involves cybercriminals masquerading as trustworthy entities, such as banks, government agencies, or reputable companies, to deceive unsuspecting victims into divulging sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial details, or personal data. The sophistication of phishing attacks continues to evolve, with perpetrators em...[more]
Tafadzwa MacHengoInvestigating and Recommending Environmentally Sustainable Web Development Architecture for CompaniesMartin CaminadaMaria Jose (Marisé) Galvez Trigo2324-CM3203
There is a movement to be more environmentally sustainable within ui/ux and web development/design. Various manifestos show how developers can improve the way that they can improve their design practices to be more environmentally sustainable. I would like to use a combination of literature review (energy consumption from servers) and practical investigations (energy consumption from a web page access scaled for typical traffic - a browser plug-in) to show where the most energy consumption is a...[more]
Theodor BaurNatural Language Processing for Automated Fact VerificationNedjma OusidhoumNathan Jones2324-CM3203
Natural Language Processing is part of multiple automated fact-checking systems and related tasks such as rumour detection. It can be helpful at different steps in the verification process such as when identifying claims, retrieving evidence, etc. In this work, the student will choose the fact verification sub-task they would like to focus on and study the related literature. They will then implement an NLP or an Information Retrieval (IR) based method for this subtask, analyse their results a...[more]
Thomas BarkawayKitchen Companion - The Smart Speaker-Powered Culinary AssistantSandy GouldFrank C Langbein2324-CM3203
To improve the number of young people with cooking skills and promote healthy home cooking, I propose a smart speaker-powered application called the “Kitchen Companion” that will be a personal culinary assistant in the home to provide users with a variety of recipes that improve the user’s health and saves them money. The “Kitchen Companion” will be split between two platforms Amazon Alexa and a linked website. The application will have four core features recipe recommendation, step-by...[more]
Thomas McIlveenSocial Media Stance and Sentiment Analysis [MULTIPLE PROJECTS]Alun D PreeceWalter Colombo2223PT-CMT400
This project is hosted by the Security Crime and Intelligence Innovation Institute. We are interested in determining stance and sentiment of collections of posts on social media, and comparing these between different social media platforms. Sentiment refers to the emotional tone of posts; stance refers to the attitude of posts with respect to a particular topic or issue (e.g., positive or negative). There are multiple possible projects here, including: -- Comparing sentiment and/or stance betwee...[more]
Thomas RobinsonCombinatorial Optimization for Counterfactual Explanations of Random ForestsNico PotykaNedjma Ousidhoum2324-CM3203
When automating decision making processes that affect humans, it is important that the decision can be explained to the user in order to meet legal obligations (e.g., GDPR), but also to maintain the trust of clients. Counterfactual explanations are one interesting class of explanation methods that can be applied to various models (they are "model-agnostic"). Roughly speaking, a counterfactual explanation tells a user what has to be changed to change the decision. For example, in a loan applicati...[more]
Thomas WhiteTaboos and unknown unknowns: can we mine text data to determine what *isn't* said?Crispin CooperMatthew J W Morgan2324-CM3203
A previous project of mine attempted to mine text corpuses (news articles, wikipedia) for what *wasn't* said . Initial results were promising but more development is needed, which is where this proposal comes in. In particular I would suggest adding a topic model to the algorithm outlined in the link above.[more]
Tilly BoscottLibrary Book Recommendation BotNathan JonesAmir Javed2021PT-CMT403
Library staffing has decreased in recent years, meaning that staff are unable to spend as much time and effort recommending books to service users. Many libraries are becoming digital hubs, however, with the exception of online libraries, book collections are generally not included in this digital levelling up. This project aims to create a library-based physical AI agent that recommends books based on a user’s preferences, mood, interests, and reading habits. Added functionality may include ...[more]
Tim McCarthyTool to assist Scrabble playKirill SidorovXianfang Sun2324-CM3203
The idea of this project is to build a mobile application that would allow a player to take a shot of a Scrabble board, and, given the available letters, compute the best next move. There are two sides to this project, each of which, when developed to a high standard, may a be a separate project on its own: Part 1: The computer vision side: given a shot of the board, analyse it and produce a representation of the board. Part 2: The AI side: given a representation of the board, determine the s...[more]
Tim ReynoldsIoT self-driving Car for Lego Smart CityCharith PereraCarolina Fuentes Toro2324-CM3203
The central aim of this project was to develop an Internet of Things-enabled selfdriving car for a Lego smart city. The goals of this project were to develop a basic non-AI-driven self-driving algorithm based on an online tutorial, an AI-driven selfdriving algorithm controlled by a convolutional neural network of my own design, and a sensor failure response system that can guide the car to a safe emergency stop location if one or more sensors on the car fails. While this car has no direct realwo...[more]
Tomas Encarnacao MenesesGeneration of Facial CartoonsPaul L RosinNathan Jones2324-CM3203
The aim of this project is to take an input image of a frontal face and generate a cartoon stylised version. Many possible approaches are possible, see e.g. Data-driven face cartoon stylization, Zhang et al., 2014. Image Based Hair Segmentation Algorithm for the Application of Automatic Facial Caricature Synthesis, Shen et al., 2014. At least in the first instance, this project will take a simple approach, in which facial features (eyes, mouth, etc) are matched to a library containing multip...[more]
Tom DaviesPirate Themed Merge GameSylwia PolbergPaddy Slator2324-CM3203
The purpose of this project is to create a 2D or 3D merge game (PC or Android). The game should have a basic story, set of rules, and save states between gaming sessions. The core aspect of the game is to design efficient and pleasing visual aspects for the game.[more]
Tomos JonesMatch 3 GameSylwia PolbergBailin Deng2324-CM3203
The purpose of this project is to create a 2D or 3D match 3 game (PC or Android). The game should have a basic story, set of rules, and save states between gaming sessions. The core aspect of the game is to design efficient and pleasing visual aspects for the game.[more]
Tushar VashistaEnhancing Personal Finance Management through OCR and Data VisualizationJing WuAlexia Zoumpoulaki2324-CM3203
"Enhancing Personal Finance Management through OCR and Data Visualization" aims to utilize data analyses and data visualization techniques to address the gap in personal finance management tools for individuals, specifically students. Majority of the existing financial insight or management applications, such as moss, pleo, concur, and more, are business oriented. A tool designed to help business track and manage their expenses might fulfil the basic requirements of individual users but cannot p...[more]
Tyler BrownCreating a movie review based social media and recommendation system.Walter ColomboVíctor Gutiérrez Basulto2324-CM3203
My proposal is to create a website where people can catalogue and compare their opinions on movies and tv shows to other people online whether it be their friends or comparing their opinion to the general public. Users will should be able to create an account, select a movie or show to view, see information about said show and leave a review and rating. The user is also able to compare their review on that movie to other people they are following or friends with.[more]
Vallabh Vaibhav PatilDeep Learning and Natural Language Processing for analysis of Medical TextsAlia I AbdelmotyNatasha Edwards2324Place-CMT400
This project will allow you to learn and experiment with NLP tools and ML methods for analysing large medical text corpora. You will explore methods for named entity recognition and relationship extraction. You will make use of exisitng libraries and tools and sample applications and tutorials. The project will give you an understanding of availalbe methods and problems and knowledge of how to develop and evaluate ML methods[more]
Wenhan JiangPredicting environmental factors with biological recordsChris B JonesYuhua Li2324-CMT404
The project applies machine learning and web (or desktop) mapping to predict and visualise the effectiveness of using biological records such as from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) and the NBN (National Biodiversity Network) to predict the geographical (spatial) distribution of environmental features, such as scenicness and habitat. Data on scenicness for the UK can be obtained from the Scenic or Not website. Habitat data for the UK can be obtained from the Centre for Ecology a...[more]
William HaywoodGamifying Cybersecurity for Secondary Education Within the New Welsh CurriculumYulia CherdantsevaCarolina Fuentes Toro2324-CM3203
With the skills gap in cybersecurity seeing no improvement over the last half a decade and the sophistication and rate of cyber-attacks on the rise, it is now more important than ever to find ways to foster a larger amount of cybersecurity experts. It is widely agreed that nurturing of interest from a younger age is the ideal way to accomplish this, yet below higher education, is the most underrepresented in the research related to improvement of education for cybersecurity. Moreover, teach...[more]
Xinrui DingAn mobile app using gamification and community engagement to encourage walkingCarolina Fuentes ToroSylwia Polberg2324Place-CMT403
1.Problem Discription: There are increasing number of mobile applications that has changed how we promote health and environmental sustainability such as encouraging walking through various methods.[1] In consideration of walking incentive apps, however, on the one hand, part of current apps mainly focus on cultivating individual behavior change, and community engagement is not concerned at some points. These apps may consider financial driven methods.[2] On the other hand, some apps concern mo...[more]
Yee Yan WongMapping locations in textsChris B JonesRhodri Morris2324-CMT404
The aim of these project is to produce a web application that allows the user to map the places mentioned in texts. The system will use named entity recognition (NER) and geocoding software such as that provided by SpaCy and the GeoPy libraries respectively to identify and geocode (generate the coordinates for) locations mentioned in a text provided by the user. The locations will then be plotted on a map (using a background map such as that of OpenStreetMap). Depending on progress, more advan...[more]
Yihang GengDatabase security layer based on dynamic access control and user behavior analysisYulia CherdantsevaEirini S Anthi2324-CMT400
This project provides a security scheme to protect MySql database, which can improve the security of MySql database and make it more suitable for the current network security environment. At present, serious data leakage incidents occur frequently, but small and medium-sized enterprises often lack sufficient technology and resources in the face of these attacks. The database dynamic security layer implemented in the project allows the database administrator to add the security layer between the ...[more]
Yufan YangDetecting AI-generated ImagesBailin DengOktay Karakus2324-CMT400
The project aims to address the growing challenge of detecting AI-generated images, particularly those created using advanced diffusion models that go beyond traditional GAN-based approaches in terms of image detail and variety. While existing detection systems perform well on GAN-generated images, they struggle with the complexity of diffusion model outputs. This study attempts to create a new detection method using a One-Class SVM and a fine-tuned ResNet50 model. By leveraging and contrasting ...[more]
Yujie FangQuestion Generation for Education with NLPNedjma OusidhoumLuis Espinosa-Anke2324-CMT404
Question generation is an important task in Natural Language Processing that has multiple applications in education, summarisation, fact verification, etc. The student will study the problem in the context of education. They will implement a machine learning model to generate questions. Then, they will analyse, and discuss their results.[more]
Yuqing LuoImage Complexity Analysis Based on Visual ContentWei ZhouJenny Highfield2324-CMT404
Difference images have different complexities, such as the sky and grass. This project will analyse image complexity based on visual content. It would be better to send me your CV when contacted.[more]
Yuquan LiMealCraft: An iOS Application for Managing Ingredients and Providing Recipe RecommendationsDavid J HumphreysSylwia Polberg2324Place-CMT403
The MealCraft project aimed to develop an iOS application that offers personalised, health-conscious recipe recommendations while helping users effectively manage their ingredient inventory, ultimately reducing food waste.[more]
Yusen YangArtificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Image Quality AnalysisWei ZhouTingting Li2324-CM3203
Recent years have witnessed the fast development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, large model-driven generative AI has become an emerging topic. In this project, we would like to analyse the quality of AI generated images.[more]
Zahra AqleemMy Skincare Buddy - A skincare web applicationCarolina Fuentes ToroWei Zhou2324-CMT404
The Skincare Recommendation System is a web-based application designed to provide personalized skincare product recommendations based on active ingredients, user age, skin tone, skin type, and skin concern. This system aims to offer unbiased advice to consumers, particularly young users, helping them navigate the vast array of skincare products available on the market. Unlike many existing resources that may be influenced by pharmaceutical branding, this platform focuses on delivering honest opi...[more]
Zhe DengUser Profiles and Recommendations on Voice/Audio-based Social Network using Neo4jAlia I AbdelmotyMatthew Moloughney2324-CMT403
Clubhouse ( and Twitter Spaces ( are prominent examples of audio-based social networks (relatively new types of social networks that are gaining a lot of popularity). Users spend time on these application speaking and listening with others in scheduled rooms. What the users speak about and listen to are indicators of their preference and can be used to profile users. This project will study the design and development of an ...[more]
Zhiruo WangUser Profiles and Recommendation on Voice/Audio-based Social Network using LLMsAlia I AbdelmotyYuhua Li2324-CMT404
Clubhouse ( and Twitter Spaces ( are prominent examples of audio-based social networks (relatively new types of social networks that are gaining a lot of popularity). Users spend time on these application speaking and listening with others in scheduled rooms. What the users speak about and listen to are indicators of their preference and can be used to profile users. This project will study the design and development of an ...[more]
Zhiwei ChenAutomating image analysis in psychological studies using machine learningYukun LaiTheodoros Spyridopoulos2324-CM3203
This project is in collaboration with School of Psychology, Cardiff University. Psychological studies increasingly utilise collected photos by participants to demonstrate their personal interests. While it is possible to manually label these photos for analysis, this is time-consuming. The aim of the project is to investigate transfer learning and semi-supervised learning techniques for automated image analysis, which can help significantly scale up the data annotation and analysis process. The ...[more]
Zijie ZhangEnhanced retinal image quality assessment for retinal datasets imbalancesWei ZhouYukun Lai2324-CMT403
Retinal image quality is vital for monitoring the quality of retinal imaging and guaranteeing the reliability of diagnoses in medical systems. This project will investigate the quality evaluation of retinal images.[more]
Zikun ZhaoNatural Language Processing for Online ModerationNedjma OusidhoumMohammad Taher Pilehvar2324-CM3203
Natural Language Processing has been used to help with online moderation of forums, social media, and other platforms. In this work, the student will study the motivation for using natural language processing to assist moderators. They will then choose the task and the domain they would like to focus on (e.g., social media, forum data, …) and implement an ML-based method to help with this. They will then analyse the results and share their insights.[more]