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Time stamp: 11:19:46-17/2/2025


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Projects from 2018

Aaron O'HaganVirtual Reality Classroom to gamify education.Yukun LaiJing Wu1718-CM3203
My intent with this project would be to create a classroom simulation in the Unity engine. It would be primarily for use with virtual reality systems, allowing for students to become immersed in their education as well as providing teaching methods that are more fun and engaging. For example, the program could allow for virtual travel to historic sites or an active volcano, physics simulations and virtual chemistry experiments and even simple conversations with chatbots for language learning. Th...[more]
Adedamola AgbonyinWeb interface for FlexiTermIrena SpasicJing Wu1718-CM3203
Terms are words and phrases we use to refer to domain-specific concepts. FlexiTerm is a method for recognition of multi-word terms. We have developed FlexiTerm as an open-source software tool for automatic term recognition. The basic information about FlexiTerm together with its Java code is available via its web site: We are now looking to develop a web-based user interface to allow users to process their text with FlexiTerm using their web browser....[more]
Alfie EdwardsTraining Pairs of Communicating Machine Learning Agents to Complete Cooperative Tasks Requiring Information ExchangeRichard BoothFrank C Langbein1718-CM3203
A machine learning system can optimise a black box to approximate some function. Can this black box be extended further to cover multiple machine learning agents and the way they exchange information? In this project, I explore the idea of connecting multiple machine learning agents using a general communication channel, and training them as if they were a single system. I do this by adapting the machine learning techniques of Q-Learning, NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Toplogies, and Cooperative C...[more]
Amy YeoMyHealthOnline: Integrated Digital Patient-Centred Health and Care SystemAlia I AbdelmotyIrena Spasic1718-CM3203
This project will investigate how digital technologies can provide ways of delivering improved and personalised health and social care to patients, whilst also improving their access to information. A recent report on digital health and social care strategy for Wales identified the need for patients, carers and healthcare professionals to be able to make use of accurate information, safely, wherever and whenever it is needed. The project will evaluate an existing online application called myhe...[more]
Angelos CharitidisAutomated Essay Marking with Machine Learning and Artificial Neural NetworksFrank C LangbeinJing Wu1718-CM3203
The aim of this paper is to investigate the application of Machine Learning in Automated Essay Marking. After a thorough background of Machine Learning, Artificial and Convolutional Neural Networks and fundamental word-to-vector representations, six of the main approaches of an Automated Essay Marking system using Convolutional Neural Networks are presented. The approaches differ about the word-to-vector representation, the essay representation and the network structure they are using. The appro...[more]
Ashley HarrisBuilding the BBC Music WebsiteAlia I AbdelmotyJing Wu1718-CM3203
This project will develop an application that simulates how to automatically query the web for data that can be used to build a website such as BBC Music. The project will use the BBC ontologies and linked data such as MusicBrainz and Dbpedia and develop a program that queries these resources and presents the results on an automatically generated web page. [more]
Bernice ThomasGame with a purposeIrena SpasicIan M Cooper1718-CM3203
A game with a purpose (GWAP) is a human-based computation game developed to address the problem of creating difficult metadata ( The idea behind the game is to use the computational power of humans to perform a task that computers cannot (originally, image recognition) by packaging the task as a game. Rules of the game Once logged in, a user is automatically matched with a random partner. The partners do not know each other's identity and they cannot com...[more]
Danielle JohnsonAn application to help carers and patient families communicateLiam TurnerPadraig Corcoran1718-CM3203
In the UK, average life expectancy is continuing to rise. With this rise comes an increase in health problems for the elderly, placing more demand on our struggling health service. One of the main pain points for the health service is the limited availability of hospital beds. This often results in patients being prematurely released from hospital and professional home care being put in place. Typically, one patient will have multiple carers assigned to their care and they will visit frequentl...[more]
Fadi ZoghbiEvaluating the feasibility of Blockchain applicationsGeorge TheodorakopoulosPhilipp Reinecke1718-CM3203
Blockchain is the technology that underpins Bitcoin, but there are many more applications for Blockchain, with potentially large business and societal impact. However, there is considerable hype around Blockchain. The aim of this project is to clarify what type of applications can realistically benefit from a Blockchain implementation. Can blockchain be applied to smaller, more specific tasks? What are the characteristics of tasks that would benefit from Blockchain? Are their any existing succe...[more]
Freddie SaundersThe integration of the Annual Module Review process between the School of Computer Science and Informatics and the School of MathematicsAlun D PreeceDavid W Walker1718-CM3203
This aim of the project is to analyse the Annual Module Review (AMR) process, in attempt to explore how it can be integrated and executed once between the School of Computer Science & Informatics and the School of Mathematics in a collaborative fashion. In order to successfully explore the feasibility of process integration, the project will begin by learning, understanding and codifying the AMR process in the School of Computer Science and Informatics, followed by the AMR process in t...[more]
Georgi PramatarovIoT device for home monitoringPhilipp ReineckeJing Wu1718-CM3203
The aim of this project is to create a modular smart IoT device for home monitoring using a Raspberry pi. The project will try to achieve this by using cheaper hardware, in order to make the device more affordable. Most cheap commercial IoT home monitoring devices tie the user with a contract and monthly payments for the duration of that contract. Some companies might even request their devices back after the end of the contract. In addition, most modular home monitoring devices provide the user...[more]
Harrison TaylorReverse Engineering Audio Synthesiser SoundsDave MarshallYukun Lai1718-CM3203
The basic idea is given a set of sample recordings of a sound can you determine the appropriate parameters of a given synthesiser to best approximate the set of sounds. This could be achieved by applying advance machine learning and, specifically, optimisation techniques. The synthesiser (and all it's available parameters) would need to under computer control so this would ideally suit software based synthesisers but some midi enable hardware device could be used (if available). In fact is VS...[more]
Hasna Al JufailiAdversarial Reasoning in Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing: the case of spam emailsFederico CeruttiPhilipp Reinecke1718-CM3203
In security-sensitive applications, the success of machine learning depends on a thorough vetting of their resistance to adversarial data. In one pertinent, well-motivated attack scenario, an adversary may attempt to evade a deployed system at test time by carefully manipulating attack samples. * Project Goals 1. Reviewing the Adversarial Machine Learning library and gathering understanding of the Scikit-learn library for machine learning[more]
Ioana Surdu-BobCrowdsourced prediction of Cardiff bus delays (IOS)Martin CaminadaNatasha Edwards1718-CM3203
Delays are one of the main disadvantages when using public transport. However, where applications (like Google Traffic) are available to keep track of delays for motorists, relatively little help is available for public transport users, especially for predicting the likelihood of any major delays. To illustrate why the problem matters, suppose one is taking a local bus service to connect to another mode of transport (say, to the railway station, coach station or airport). If the bus is late, on...[more]
Jacob BergStrategic Reasoning with Artificial IntelligenceFederico CeruttiMatthew J W Morgan1718-CM3203
* Background Humans are incredible problem solvers. With experience, we typically get more efficient, and effective, at the problem-solving process. However, strategic experience is not easily gained meaning other mechanisms are required to build up strategic experience for strategic success. As far back as 3000 B.C.E., the game of Wei Hai employed coloured stones to represent opposing forces. The game of chess similarly evolved out of military war games and references are found as early as 500 ...[more]
Jake WilliamsonPreventing sensitive data being sent without encryptionEirini S AnthiGeorge Theodorakopoulos1718-CM3203
Creating a mobile application that will analyse outgoing traffic and alert the user if sensitive data is being shared without encryption.[more]
Jamie KnowlesSimulating the Effects of Releasing Malware into the Internet of ThingsEirini S AnthiGeorge Theodorakopoulos1718-CM3203
The emergence of the Internet of Things has caused a variety of issues in the world of cyber security. Many device manufacturers are distributing insecure devices to customers and many customers are unaware of how to keep their devices secure. This has allowed the Internet of Things to become a goldmine for hackers. To further assist in raising awareness of the insecurities of the Internet of Things this project involves the development of software that simulates malware propagation on real dev...[more]
Jamie WilliamsonPaint me a picture: Performing Style Transfer on a mobile deviceYukun LaiPaul L Rosin1718-CM3203
Non photorealistic rendering produces more attractive images, often mimicking artistic work. For artistic effect these aim to extract salient features and structures (e.g. regions, lines) and enhance/re-render them in various ways, whilst suppressing other less salient detail. The results can be used not only for personalising consumer photographs, but also for scientific illustration. The aim of the project is to develop non photorealistic rendering algorithms on mobile devices (phones and tabl...[more]
John Olegariodynamic generation of public transport information for tourists (CS part)Martin CaminadaFederico Cerutti1718-CM3203
One of the main issues that independent tourists face when travelling in for instance South East Asia is how to obtain reliable public transport information. Whereas the Western world has online travel planners like Traveline Cymru (Wales), 9292OV (the Netherlands) or Mobiliteits Zentral (Luxembourg) these tend to be absent in countries like Malaysia and the Philippines. In quite some cases, timetables of different transport operators do exit but are simply not published online, and only announc...[more]
Jonathan JonesCreating a data tracking application, utilising blockchain technologyGeorge TheodorakopoulosAngelika Kimmig1718-CM3203
The General Data Protection Act (GDPA) will come into force from the 25th May 2018. A key requirement of the act, states that organisations collecting data from EU citizens, must ensure that personal data will be erased upon request. How are EU citizens expected to know which organisations store information about them. I propose creating an application that tracks data transactions via a blockchain.[more]
Joshua DentonHow IoT Devices can be used in Rented Accommodation to Collect Meaningful DataOmer F RanaHantao Liu1718-CM3203
This project looks at implementing a wireless sensor network within rented accommodation to investigate whether it can benefit both the housing association and the tenants of the building. It gives an overview of wireless sensor networks and their associated technologies before going into detail about the Libelium Waspmote and how this can be programmed and used with Zigbee to act as sensor nodes connecting to a Libelium Meshlium gateway. This report found that a Libelium wireless sensor network...[more]
Karol KrajcirFitness appWendy K IvinsChris B Jones1718-CM3203
We live in a fast paced society where people are full of stress and anxiety and struggle to find some time for themselves and their health. The lack of movement and activity combined with bad eating habits result in obesity and health conditions. There are several reasons for this and one of them is lack of motivation. When people don't see results or have no one to support them, they tend to give up. The main purpose of my app is to improve the quality of people's lives by making use of smartp...[more]
Lauren GomerCritical Success Factors in B2C E-Commerce Strategy for SMEsNatasha EdwardsRichard Booth1718-CM3203
These days, it is hard to find a company that does not have at least some e-commerce capability - in some form to another. However, e-commerce strategy adopted and implemented by large companies might not be relevant to SMEs. The aim of this project is to identify and analyse Critical Success Factors (CSFs) an SME needs to be aware when adopting, initiating and maintaining their e-commerce strategy. The scope of the project can be developed further, based on the student's interests, e.g. exa...[more]
Liam HileyCan we detect expert and novice anaesthetists by how they watch video?Dave MarshallRichard Booth1718-CM3203
Normal eye activity consists of rapid movements to quickly scan an image (saccades), with slower movements focusing on loci of interest (fixation). Previous studies indicate that tracking spontaneous eye movements, via a commercial eye tracker, enables discrimination between novice and expert by how quickly subjects quickly focus their gaze and attention on key events. I propose that a model can be implemented based on this hypothesis as.[more]
Mariza CelliersA Pocket-Sized ClinicAlia I AbdelmotyMatthew J W Morgan1718-CM3203
Patients with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, can benefit from recording daily updates of their condition and their general state of health. If these records are communicated in an appropriate format to their health care professional, then they can get medical attention when they need it. If any symptoms deviate from a normal level, this will alert both the patient and the health-care professional to arrange a consultation. This project will design and develop an app that can be u...[more]
Mark ClementsImproving Research Grant Costing in the School of Computer Science and InformaticsStuart M AllenXianfang Sun1718-CM3203
Whenever research funding is required a back-and-forth exchange between the Research Administrator, Principal Investigator and School Manager occurs before a finalised Cost and Pricing Form is ready to be sent as part of the application for funding. This step slows the funding process and is the target of this project, with the aim of removing the time-sink of multiple messages being communicated by implementing an Excel Tool to simplify the costing required for the CAP Form. The usage of the To...[more]
Michael LawsonSolid State Drive ForensicsMichael DaleyKirill Sidorov1718-CM3203
When imaging SSD's they often spend a long time on the system powered up, has the potential to end up with unallocated clusters being zero'ed out. This project will look into who or what is controlling this and what can be done to minimise the loss of data when acquiring this image. Real world trials on different chipsets and or come up with a best practice for capturing data or even the likelihood of the MD5 changing whilst power applied to it. This project is an oppoutunity to collaborate wi...[more]
Nathan GreensladeA personal diary appAlia I AbdelmotyXianfang Sun1718-CM3203
A lot of people may be interested in a simple way of keeping a diary of events in their day. You will build an app that will automatically track and record the location of the user and allow him to record events related to the places he visits during the day. You can make use of an existing application that automatically collects location information on an Android platform. [more]
Oliver SchwertfegerConversational Explanations for Deep Learning SystemsAlun D PreeceXianfang Sun1718-CM3203
The project aims to build an Alexa-based conversational interface to allow users to seek explanations from a deep learning based system in the domain of crime and security.[more]
Plamen YankovInternet of Things Framework for Last Mile LogisticsNatasha EdwardsGeorge Theodorakopoulos1718-CM3203
Development of technology often disrupts business' traditional ways of operating, and forces businesses to adapt their strategy and tactics. The main aim of this project is to create a generalized Internet of Things framework for logistics companies dealing with Last Mile Delivery. The created framework should aim to help logistics companies that want to start using Internet of Things in their Last Mile Delivery operations by guiding the users though the processes that should be done in order t...[more]
Rachel KeyteCan IoT devices be identified through their device fingerprint?George TheodorakopoulosXianfang Sun1718-CM3203
Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming increasingly common and so are the security risks that come with them. The aim of this project is to investigate a) Whether fingerprints for certain IoT devices be identified through passive monitoring of the network traffic? b) In an IoT environment, can the types of devices present be determined using the device type fingerprint discovered in part a?[more]
Ryan MorrisThe Road to Driverless VehiclesDavid W WalkerWendy K Ivins1718-CM3203
In this project you will investigate the technical problems that must be overcome to enable the widespread adoption of driverless vehicles on our roads, together with any social or psychological issues that may be a barrier to their use. You should consider the issue of the adoption of driverless vehicles from the perspectives of potential users, technology companies interested in developing driverless technologies, established car manufacturers (such as Ford), and global insurance companies. Fo...[more]
Samuil VelichkovFog and Edge ComputingOmer F RanaBailin Deng1718-CM3203
The aim of this project is to understand and investigate the emerging area of Fog and Edge Computing. The student is expected to gain: (i) an understanding of this area; (ii) develop (in collaboration with the supervisor) a simulation of a potential environment using the iFogSim simulator from the University of Melbourne (Australia). The project requires software design and development skills in the Java programming language. Students are also expected to investigate issues around security and p...[more]
Teodor NikolovProcedural Terrain Generation EngineFrank C LangbeinBailin Deng1718-CM3203
In this project I will build a software plug-in written in C# for Unity Engine. My software would deal with generating 3D procedural landscapes in the form of mesh data, which will be rendered by Unity's rendering engine. The "Engine" part of my project involves the generation of landscapes with different forms and features based on how the parameters of the engine are set. Maybe the terrain could be mountainous, or maybe it would be flatter and smoother.For the project, I will aim to implement ...[more]
Thomas SweetmanMeasuring 3D Mesh Saliency using an Eye TrackerYukun LaiPaul L Rosin1718-CM3203
In recent years 3D data has become popular as low-cost devices such as Kinect have emerged. There are many applications of 3D data, such as gaming, cinematography special effects, 3D printing, etc. When these models are manipulated (eg downsized, stretched, morphed, etc) then important (ie salient) features should be preserved as best as possible. This project will develop a method for measuring the salience of parts of the 3D mesh data. Experiments will be carried out with an eye tracker to pr...[more]
Thomas TallisGenerating Text-Based Adventure GamesRichard BoothDavid W Walker1718-CM3203
This project involves implementing algorithms that would allow a user to give minimal input (e.g. a setting, whether they would like combat, complexity/size of adventure, etc.) to a program. And the output of that program would be a runnable and playable text-based adventure game saved to a file/multiple files. I intend to use python3 for the implementation.[more]
Thomas Wynne-OwenContent Management System for a Real-Time e-Commerce MarketplaceNatasha EdwardsXianfang Sun1718-CM3203
The aim of this project is to create an application that provides consumers with the ability to buy and sell products between one another in a real-time marketplace similar in style to the stock market. The system allows users to place bids and asking prices on products to buy or sell products. The solution has been implemented as a web application. [more]
Vidhi PatelSmart contracts with Blockchain (multiple projects)George TheodorakopoulosPhilipp Reinecke1718-CM3203
Blockchain is the technology that underpins Bitcoin, but there are many more applications for Blockchain, with potentially large business and societal impact. One of the recently proposed applications is smart contracts The aim of this project is to implement a smart contract prototype. To undertake this project, you will need to understand the basics of cryptography and to have programming experience. [more]
Wiliam ThomasFootball Transfer Rumours on Twitter: Who and What Should we Believe?Richard BoothFederico Cerutti1718-CM3203
The main objectives of this project are: 1. To generate a data-set of tweets concerning football transfer rumours on Twitter and extract from it a bunch of claims of the form "user U claims player P will join team T". 2. To implement some existing algorithms to determine, at any point in time, a belief value on each statement of the form "player P will join team T" as well as a reliability value for each user making a claim.[more]