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Time stamp: 11:31:05-17/2/2025


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Projects from 2020

Abigail HeireneCoursework scheduling and analysis systemHelen R PhillipsCarl Jones1920-CMT400
The School is looking for a system that can help year tutors and programme leaders analyse and agree on the hand-in and hand-out dates for coursework. Several constraints need to be taken into consideration, these include, the timing of other coursework, the dates on the various terms, time for staff to mark and feedback just to name a few. In addition to dates, we want the system to take into consideration the various different types of assessment, the complexity of the coursework, and the % th...[more]
Alexandre WestcottGenerating CARS Images Of Mouse Oocytes Using Convolutional Neural NetworksMatthias TrederYazmin Ibanez Garcia1920-CMT400
Microscopy is the field of viewing objects that are too small to be viewed by the naked eye, using microscopes. The aim of this project is to implement Convolutional Neural Networks to perform the task of image translation of microscopy images.[more]
Ali BaqheriVisual Reasoning in SpaceAlia I AbdelmotyChris B Jones1920-CMT400
Reasoning in space is an active field of Artificial Intelligence with applications in robotics and map data manipulation. It involves simulating human understanding of how humans understand relationships between objects in space, for example, objects near or inside or north of each other and how this understanding can help us reason over space. For example, we know that Cardiff is in the UK, if we know that Cardiff is in Wales and Wales is in the UK, etc. In this project, you will use an alrea...[more]
Alice EdwardsIdentifying the best machine learning model for web based attack.Amir JavedLiam Turner1920-CM3203
In the project, you will be required to create a vulnerable web application (OWASP Broken Web Applications Project) and carry out various attacks on the web app and intercept the network traffic to the server. Based on the traffic you will intercept you will build a machine classifier to detect attacks.[more]
Amna Mohd A HameedA machine learning approach for forensic memory investigationMichael DaleyLuis Espinosa-Anke1920-CM3203
"The aim of the project to create a tool based on machine learning for forensic memory investigation. Where a machine learning model will be developed to automate assistance in identifying areas in memory dump for forensic analysis. "[more]
Amy ShieldsA personal diary appAlia I AbdelmotyStuart M Allen1920-CM3203
A lot of people may be interested in a simple way of keeping a diary of events in their day- whom they met, they talked to, where they went, how they felt. Some of this information can be extracted automatically from their location traces on their phones and from their activity on social web sites. You will build an app that will automatically track and record some of these personal information and present it to the user in the form of a browsable diary. You will be able to build upon/make u...[more]
Andrew NightingaleDelineating regions of interest in MRI/S prostate scans for cancer diagnosisFrank C LangbeinAlexia Zoumpoulaki1920-CMT400
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. Earlier diagnosis combined with better staging and treatment has lead to a decrease in death rates for most developed countries. Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI/S) plays an important role in differentiating malignant from benign prostate tissue. We are working on a project utilising machine learning techniques to devise an assistant to the radiologist to help in this differentiation. In an undergraduate project,...[more]
Arron SehmbyDeep Learning Guitar TuningsDave MarshallPaul L Rosin1920-CM3203
Guitars can be tuned to a a variety of tunings. This is especially common in certain genres of music, notably folk music and heavy metal, for example. The basic idea here is to take recordings on music played in known guitar tunings. I have database of known songs in know tunings by a variety of artists and have the associated recordings. A deep learning system can then be trained with input samples (many short snippets from every recording) and trained to classify the tunings. New music can t...[more]
Artem ProtasavytskySerious games to teach children statisticsDr Daniel J. FinneganYuhua Li1920-CM3203
This project aims to develop a serious game for teaching young children (primary school level) basic statistics. The project involves the conception, design, development, and evaluation of a game to teach young children summary statistics e.g. mean, mode, median etc. You should contact me to discuss the project further with me as details need to be determined soon after selecting the project.[more]
Barrie WalkerDevelop a new algorithm to determine the shortest path from a single start node in a graph to one or more end nodes within the graphPadraig CorcoranChris B Jones1819PT-CMT400
The shortest path problem involves finding the shortest path between a start point and an end point, for example finding the shortest path between Cardiff and Birmingham on a road map of the UK. This project develops a new algorithm to accomplish this and extends it to find the shortest path starting from a single start point and and ending at the nearest end point within a cluster of one or more points on a map (for example, starting from Newport, find the nearest electric car charging point i...[more]
Bedoor BahassanMalware Detection from IoT Devices Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsAmir JavedDr Daniel J. Finnegan1920-CM3203
This project, will look at the Network Traffic from IoT devices, pre-process the data, and implement Supervised Machine Learning models to Classify Malicious and Benign Network Traffic. After that, the evaluation process will take place to illustrate the results and to decide the best Machine Learning Algorithm.[more]
Benjamin RantEducation Recommendation ToolPadraig CorcoranYuhua Li1920-CM3203
One of the greatest challenges when learning a new subject is having the background knowledge necessary to learn that subject. For example, before learning about data structures one must first know about computer programming. However knowing what knowledge is necessary before learning a new subject is challenging. In this project you will develop a recommendation tool which recommends subjects to study before one begins to study a new subject.[more]
Benjamin ThorntonIOT Data Trading User Study PlatformCharith PereraPadraig Corcoran1920-CM3203
This project aims to develop a platform to gather with data and analyse data to understand how consumers may be willing to trade their personal data for different types of rewards in the future. This project requires strong web app development skills[more]
Bowen HuangA Pocket-Sized ClinicAlia I AbdelmotyHelen R Phillips1920-CMT400
Patients with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, can benefit from recording daily updates of their condition and their general state of health. If these records are communicated in an appropriate format to their health care professional, then they can get medical attention when they need it. If any symptoms deviate from a normal level, this will alert both the patient and the health-care professional to arrange a consultation. This project will design and develop an app that can be u...[more]
Brendan LambMusical Harmonization via Machine LearningDave MarshallMatthias Treder1920-CM3203
I would like to work on a project that combines my passions of music and Computer Science. Given an input of a MIDI file, I would like to create a machine learning algorithm to locate chords and a key-center within the given music, and then to substitute those chords with different, more interesting choices. The goal of this is to create a 'JazzBot' which could create complex harmonies from a given melody.[more]
Callum HaineSentiment analysisJose Camacho ColladosKirill Sidorov1920-CM3203
Automatically analyzing the sentiment has been a long-standing task in Natural Language Processing (NLP). For example, given a movie release, we may be interested in knowing whether the public has liked it or not. This project will consist of developing a sentiment analysis classifier which can be robust across different domains (e.g. social media or movie reviews). The main language of study would be English, although other languages are also possible. Good Python programming skills is required...[more]
Callum HughesIdiom search engineIrena SpasicMartin Caminada1920-CM3203
Idioms are phrases (i.e. groups of words) whose meaning may not be deducible from those of the individual words (e.g. "bury the hatchet" = "end a quarrel or conflict and become friendly"). One difficulty in finding idioms in text is the fact that they can vary, so a simple string search is not appropriate. For example, searching for "bury the hatchet" would miss this idiom in the following two sentences: Christmas looks to be a time for burying the hatchet or exhuming it for re-examination. Fr...[more]
Cassie MageeTackling low numbers of females in IT.Matthew J W MorganPadraig Corcoran1920-CM3203
This project aims to explore the reasons why women do not study IT and build a system to tackle what I believe is one of the main causes. The goal of the project is to provide an online platform that can be used as a tool to test the user’s abilities against the core skill that is required for the role of a computer scientist. As a result, a technical minimum viable product was completed where the user can submit their answers in a form and receive their results. The project also includes an i...[more]
Chen YangTowards Transfer Learning for GANsYipeng QinMatthias Treder1920Place-CMT400
This project aims to develop effective methods for the transfer learning of GANs(Generative Adversarial Networks). Knowledge of python and pytorch/tensorflow is required.[more]
Chun Kuan LimImplementation of a data privacy protection method for transaction dataJianhua ShaoNeetesh Saxena1920-CM3203
As an increased amount of transaction data being gathered and stored, how to protect the private information contained within such data sets becomes an important issue. This project aims to implement one of the exisiting algorithms for anonymizing transaction data. The system is expected to be developed in Python.[more]
Cyrus DobbsExploration of AI effectiveness within the game of CastleFrank C LangbeinDavid J Humphreys1920-CM3203
The aim of this project: • Implement a user interface and game engine to run this game o I will produce a GUI using JavaFX as an interface for human players to interact with the game. The game engine will also have an interface for AI players to interact with. • Add artificial intelligence o Information Set Monte-Carlo Tree Search (ISMCTS) player. • Add networking capabilities to the game o An authoritative...[more]
Daniel HoworthDesigning an Interactive Web Application to Enhance Weight LossNervo Verdezoto DiasMatthew Moloughney1920-CM3203
Obesity is a major health problem facing the UK, with 28.7% of adults in England identified as obese in 2019. In this day and age, an increasing number of people are turning to apps to help them with their health problems, including obesity. There are a plethora of health and fitness apps on the market designed to help users lose weight. This project will review a range of weight loss apps currently available in order to identify areas for improvement. This will then inform the design and deve...[more]
Dervla O'BrienOrdering Pizza using Internet of ThingsCharith PereraMatthias Treder1920-CM3203
Children worldwide have poor diets and poor understanding of nutrition, confining food into dichotomous “healthy” and “not-healthy” groups, rather than grasping deeper, more realistic concepts of variety and balance. This project explores how an interactive food ordering system could be designed to help enable children learn to make healthier dietary choices for themselves. The paper extends a previous study on the PizzaBox system and explores how it can be applied to an audience of 9-1...[more]
Dimitrios KalaitzisIoT device security evaluationGeorge TheodorakopoulosAmir Javed1920-CMT400
IoT devices (smart lightbulbs, smart cameras, etc.) will soon be everywhere, allowing us to connect to various devices and perform multiple actions that will make our lives easier. These devices seem to enter the market without much regard for security and while they are offering a range of opportunities for manufacturers and consumers, they also pose major risks in terms of security. This project will focus on designing and implementing attacks against some IoT device, or on defences that mitig...[more]
Dimosthenis AntypasAnalyzing recent events in TwitterJose Camacho ColladosAlun D Preece1920-CMT400
This project consists of analyzing events using Twitter as main source of information. In particular, the project could aim at understanding the process of a specific recent event, e.g. the recent coronavirus outbreak globally. If the event is global, then analyzing different languages may be required. The project requires a good level of Python programming, and some familiarity with natural language processing or machine learning. Speaking a language (or more) other than English is also desir...[more]
Elaine SmithManaging Misinformation [Psychology/Criminology Perspectives]Alun D PreeceJianhua Shao1920-CMT400
The spread of misinformation via social networks has become a major problem in societies all over the world in recent years, impacting areas including political elections and public health. As a result, many agencies are looking to technologies - including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data science and cybersecurity - to help manage the impacts of rumours and false information. This is an active area of research in Cardiff University's Crime & Security Research Institu...[more]
Eliot MorisonA Comparison and Recommendation of Feature Toggle Options for Java applicationsCarl JonesVíctor Gutiérrez Basulto1920-CMT400
Feature Toggles are a common way of supporting modern development cycles. They enable code to the deployed to production without being available to users. This separates the notions of deployment and release. This would be a useful concept to include in Software Engineering programmes. The student would be required to write a Java (probably Spring Boot) application with a simple UI and database. They would then be required to add features to this application in an controlled manner using Gi...[more]
Elise BaileyComparing Interpretability Metrics for Diagnostic Classification of Neuropsychiatric Disorders Using Clinical MRI DataMatthias TrederStuart M Allen1920-CM3203
This project will be jointly supervised with the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. They collected a brain imaging dataset involving Parkinson's, PTSD, and schizophrenia patients. The data have been preprocessed and parameters describing the brain structure have been extracted. This is a data science project, that is, you will use Sci-kit learn and statistics in Python to analyse, visualise and interpret the data. Excellent Python skills are vital, prior knowledge of machine learning is ...[more]
Ellie RobinsRecognising and disambiguating place names in text documentsChris B JonesSurya Thottam Valappil1920-CM3203
In order to index documents with regard to geographic space it is necessary to recognise and geocode (i.e attach coordinates to) place names in the textual content. This information retrieval project is concerned with developing machine learning methods to perform this task. A gazetteer consisting of a list of place names will be used to assist in the process. The task can be challenging because of the difficulty of distinguishing genuine place names from other terms, such as the names of peop...[more]
Emma TerryExam scripts viewing booking systemHelen R PhillipsDr Daniela Tsaneva1920-CMT400
For the last few years the school of computer Science and informatics has allowed students to view their scripts on a particular date and time. Behind the schemes significant work is undertaken to set up and arrange these viewing sessions. Appropriate slots have to be found in the student timetables, rooms have to be found and booked and all that if before we email students. Currently students book and request which scripts they want to see through a doodle poll. However this is not very effici...[more]
Fani NonchevaUsing sentiment analysis to improve emoji predictions in tweetsLuis Espinosa-AnkeMatthias Treder1920-CM3203
This project is focused around using sentiment analysis to improve the task of emoji prediction in tweets. Given a string of text, the machine learning model must learn to find patterns that would yield different predictions as to what emoji would follow. Generally, people use different emojis to express similar emotions, so to improve emoji predictions in tweets would be to observe the differences in the way people express themselves via text and how it affects the emojis they use. To keep the ...[more]
Fatimah Aloraini Socially-Engineered Phishing E-mail Detection, Effect of Feature Hashing on Model AccuracyNeetesh SaxenaMichael Daley1920-CMT400
The Internet’s rapid growth has immensely changed the online user experience. Although the Internet has made it convenient for organisations as well as individuals to exchange information, it provides cybercriminals with a medium where malicious behaviors can be conducted. Social engineering attack particularly phishing is one of the most common security threats today. Even though phishing attacks come in different forms, e-mail continues to be the most popular vector for launching phishing a...[more]
Flynn EllisAutomatic Generation of Pixel ArtYukun LaiFrank C Langbein1920-CM3203
Pixel art is a form digital art where characters are represented using a small number of pixels. It was popular for video gaming, and still useful nowadays for various applications ranging from icons to animation. However, traditional approaches of pixel art generation are very time-consuming and require expertise. Recent work considers automatic generation of pixel art. The aim of the project is to develop a prototype system that achieves automatic generation of pixel art by implementing some r...[more]
Fraser OrrSecure Smart Grid InfrastructureNeetesh SaxenaHantao Liu1920-CM3203
The aim of this project is to design and create prototype for a cyber-secure communication network that ensures the system level security under a scenario where several devices (clients) are connected to a server and exchange critical information. The security solution will demonstrate (through a prototype) the working of network access control, scalable key management, and end-to-end cryptographic message authentication.[more]
George CloseMajel: Voice Assistant Style Interface For Command Line TerminalDave MarshallYipeng Qin1920-CM3203
A program that allows users to speak command line inputs aloud and have them executed by the system. This would be useful in particular for file system navigation; often user friendly directory and file names with spaces are difficult to access in command line. The project will also in part be an attempt to introduce a 'natural language' way of interacting with the terminal; the input of the speech "Execute My Script" is much more intuitive and descriptive of what the user wants to happen compar...[more]
George KennyProcedural Voxel Planet GenerationFrank C LangbeinNatasha Edwards1920-CM3203
In this project, I intend to create an efficient voxel rendering system using a level of detail system and culling. I also intend to implement one of the algorithms listed above to smooth the voxel terrain. Then I wish to create a voxel sphere and combine different levels of noise to give the sphere a terrain. Throughout the project, it will be important to try and maximise performance so it can be rendered in real-time after generation. The main issues I wish to address are: ●Performance (Mai...[more]
Guoyong CaiUse Applied AI to detect animals in Camera TrapsCharith PereraPaul L Rosin1920Place-CMT400
You will develop a tool that use exciting pre-train deep learning models to detect whether there is an animal in given sent of camera trap images. primary skill required in Python + willingness to learn applied deep learning.[more]
Han ZhengStock prediction and quantitative analysis based on machine learning methodYukun LaiMatthias Treder1920Place-CMT400
Project Aims & Objectives: •Select different features from different aspects of the stocks on the A-shares market using the multifactor model. •Implement the machine learning method to select a basket of stocks with higher predicted return yield. •Compare the selected stocks return with the CSI 300 Index benchmark return based on historical data. •Preliminary exploration of automated trading. Brief description of the project: The stock market is affected by many variables s...[more]
Haoran BiDocument Triage Tools for NutritionFernando LoizidesUsashi Chatterjee1920-CMT400
Your task is to build an interface that makes searching through document content easier. You will build a database with Nutrition information and will be able to suggest suitable food groups to specific members of the community.[more]
He ChenDeep Learning based Floor Plan SynthesisYipeng QinPaul L Rosin1920-CMT400
Are you interested in designing your dream home? This project aims to develop a method that can synthesize floor plans of residential properties. Some knowledge of Python and Pytorch/Tensorflow is required. Basic knowledge of deep learning techniques is desirable.[more]
Honglang LuoManaging Misinformation [English vs Chinese Social Media]Alun D PreeceHiroyuki Kido1920-CMT400
The spread of misinformation via social networks has become a major problem in societies all over the world in recent years, impacting areas including political elections and public health. As a result, many agencies are looking to technologies - including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data science and cybersecurity - to help manage the impacts of rumours and false information. This is an active area of research in Cardiff University's Crime & Security Research Institu...[more]
Ibrahim AlmansourThe Role of Enterprise Architecture and Agile Methodology in Supporting The Digital Transformation of The Public Sector in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)Wendy K IvinsDr Daniela Tsaneva1920-CMT400
Public sector organisations and governments in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) currently face a significant change to their services and infrastructure as they are forced to align their services with their countries’ economic visions. Moreover, combined with the continuous pressures from the Vision Realization Offices (VROs), they lack knowledge of enterprise architecture (EA) as a key driver for digital transformation (DT). The need was clear for a more adaptive and Agile EA framework that...[more]
Ieuan GriffithsLocalising a device in a building using known access pointsStuart M AllenMatthew J W Morgan1920-CM3203
GPS navigation has become a key part of modern life, with many using mobile map apps to find local buildings and shops. The map apps struggle significantly indoors however, and accuracy is a large issue. Even if buildings have the internal structure mapped out, these apps would struggle to identify the users location accurately due to traditional GPS having an accuracy of ~10m. By identifying access points in a building and marking their location on a map, we should be able to crudely identify ...[more]
Isaac RapleyEvaluating serious games as an alternative to traditional teaching methodsDr Daniel J. FinneganHelen R Phillips1920-CM3203
My project aims to study the validity and effectiveness of serious games as a method of teaching basic statistics to primary school children. The project will involve developing a 2D visual novel using Unity and artwork made up of both stock assets and custom assets created by myself, some of which have already been created. Within the game players will take on the role of a detective, using the skills they are taught to solve problems and deduce the identity of criminals. The game will teach pl...[more]
Ivonna PrinceInformation retrieval system for meeting minutes and papers gathered from automated web-scraping (Industry Project with Wales Audit Office)Padraig CorcoranSteven Arthur1920-CMT400
This project will be performed in collaboration with the Wales Audit Office. The following is the project description - Minutes and papers from committee meetings are a rich source of audit information. It takes us a long time to read and summarise key information. we think there is probably a better/quicker way of doing this than manual analysis. We would like to pilot an approach to automating the analysis/summary of public bodies' committee meetings/papers. This would save time, and help...[more]
Iwan MunroLinear Programming When There is No Feasible SolutionRichard BoothJose Camacho Collados1920-CM3203
Many real-life industrial problems can be expressed as linear programs (LPs) (sometimes with huge numbers of decision variables and constraints). It is usually assumed that there is at least one feasible solution, but sometimes due to manual error in formulating the problem there might be no feasible solution. In this case what is needed is some way to automatically pinpoint these errors (e.g. finding some minimal set of infeasible constraints) so the industrial partner can correct them, or even...[more]
Jack FurbyExplainable Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Sensor Information FusionAlun D PreeceBailin Deng1920-CM3203
Recent years have seen rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), mainly due to breakthroughs in machine learning (ML) using deep neural networks. These approaches learn powerful classification and prediction models from large volumes of data, but have a limitation that the resulting models are usually "black boxes" - it's hard to determine how they work, and even harder to generate explanations ("why?") for a user! Many AI / ML applications involve information fusion: the ge...[more]
Jack WilliamsA personal diary appAlia I AbdelmotyPhilipp Reinecke1920-CM3203
A lot of people may be interested in a simple way of keeping a diary of events in their day- whom they met, they talked to, where they went, how they felt. Some of this information can be extracted automatically from their location traces on their phones and from their activity on social web sites. You will build an app that will automatically track and record some of these personal information and present it to the user in the form of a browsable diary. You will be able to build upon/make u...[more]
Jacob WinkworthAI to detect early signs of Alzheimer’s DiseaseXianfang SunAlia I Abdelmoty1920-CM3203
Despite nearly 50 million people worldwide have Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia, no cure exists for Alzheimer’s disease. Promising drugs have emerged in recent years that can help stem the condition’s progression. However, these treatments must be administered early in the course of the disease in order to do any good. This race against the clock has posed a serious challenge on how to diagnose the condition earlier. In the face of this challenge, we seek to develop a new dee...[more]
Jing WuUser research tool - mobile application to support longitudinal diary studies.Fernando LoizidesDr Daniel J. Finnegan1920-CMT400
The application focuses on feedback collection within diary studies, i.e. users are reporting their behaviour and/or experiences for a specific application/solution/experience over the period of a few days to a few weeks. Basic application features include: - recording text - recording voice (with the capability to change to text via voice to text) - recording video - recording the screen contents There will be timestamps for all these. The data needs to be easily transferable to the rese...[more]
Jorge Correa MerlinoCyber Incident-Response Smart Grid ToolNeetesh SaxenaMartin J Chorley1920-CM3203
The aim of the project is to design and create a tool that could help operators to respond to the cyber-attacks in order to mitigate their impact onto the smart grid. The work involves finding the indicators of compromise, log analysis, and exploring other footprints to understand the nature of cyber-attacks and then develop capabilities to respond to the attacks. The working prototype will demonstrate the working of the project.[more]
Joseph DinnReconstruction of Shredded ImagesPaul L RosinJose Camacho Collados1920-CM3203
Reconstruction of Shredded Images[more]
Joseph HarrisArtificial Intelligence / Machine Learning for Understanding Misinformation in Social MediaAlun D PreeceNeetesh Saxena1920-CM3203
Modern artificial intelligence (AI) has made huge advances due to machine learning on large amounts of data, usually collected from the internet. Current AI systems excel at making predictions or classifications for unseen inputs, based on previously-seen examples. Many researchers, companies and agencies are applying these sorts of data-driven predictive AI to the processing of social media data, e.g., to determine what content to push into a user's feed, or to work out "what's happening". Th...[more]
Joseph WilsonAugmented Reality Card GameBailin DengPhilipp Reinecke1920-CM3203
A card game using Augmented reality. Idea referenced by Dr Daniel Finnegan. The base of the game is to integrate a form of augmented reality within a card game. This can be referenced by the Japanese manga YuGiOh. It should be user-friendly and allow an easy viewing window where the object interacts and the augmentation occurs.[more]
Karolina HornikovaDelivery of Patient Centred Care - System ModellingMartin CaminadaGeorge Theodorakopoulos1920-CM3203
NHS Wales, the Cwm Taf Health Authority, is a child agency of the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. As healthcare services are vital features of our society today, it is important to be able to utilise their large inflow of data effectively. Previously NHS Wales would use patient ‘age’ data as their only way of categorisation; currently they have expanded to categorise patients based on previous health conditions and current ongoing conditions. From current concerns raised by t...[more]
Katie Barrett-PowellA Dashboard Interface for Policing Large EventsAlun D PreeceIrena Spasic1920-CM3203
Cities often host large events. In recent years, for example, Cardiff has played host to diverse events including the 2014 international NATO Summit and the 2016 UEFA Champions League Final, as well as numerous smaller events requiring extensive police and security operations. Policing such events requires very good situational awareness (SA): an ability to keep track of what is happening in real-time. Effective SA involves making use of data collected in real-time from multiple sources - for ex...[more]
Kayley ThomasVirtual Reality AppYukun LaiSurya Thottam Valappil1920-CM3203
With the availability of low-cost virtual reality solutions, including mobile phone based approaches, virtual reality (VR) has become much more accessible to users. The aim of the project is to develop a virtual reality app that provides immersive user experience for navigating in the virtual 3D world. The project can be based on e.g. Google VR SDK. [more]
Kieran BurgeIoT security penetration testing a TP Link Tapo C200 cloud cameraGeorge TheodorakopoulosSteven Arthur1920-CMT400
IoT devices (smart lightbulbs, smart plugs, smart cameras, etc) are entering the market without much regard for security. My project will focus on designing and implementing attacks against an IoT device such as a TPLink cloud camera, or on defences that mitigate existing attacks. I will be using my hands-on experience with network traffic sniffing and machine learning (data mining) techniques and algorithms, or, alternatively, reverse-engineering IoT device firmware.[more]
Kieran ParnellWeb Apps: Using Bots to Expand the Functionality of DiscordFrank C LangbeinJing Wu1920-CM3203
Discord has recently taken over services like Skype, TeamSpeak and Messenger. Discord has become a platform to collaborate, communicate and create. Although Discord is great, I wish to create a Discord Bot to extend the functionality of Discord; exploring the possibilities and limitations of bots within Discord. My aim would be to create a working Discord Bot that brings extra functionality to Discord. Examples of Functions that could be added by a Bot: - Automated Moderation - Activity L...[more]
Lewis HemmingGeneration of Facial CartoonsPaul L RosinYukun Lai1920-CM3203
The aim of this project is to take an input image of a frontal face and generate a cartoon stylised version. Many possible approaches are possible, see e.g. Data-driven face cartoon stylization, Zhang et al., 2014. Image Based Hair Segmentation Algorithm for the Application of Automatic Facial Caricature Synthesis, Shen et al., 2014. At least in the first instance, this project will take a simple approach, in which facial features (eyes, mouth, etc) are matched to a library containing multip...[more]
Lewys DaviesAlgorithmic short-term trading using time series prediction and reinforcement learningYuhua LiAlun D Preece1920-CMT400
Stock market trading has historically been about fundamental analysis, but with the introduction of electronic trading (NASDAQ), short-term trading using technical analysis gained popularity, and is used by many to make a profit. Given the (mostly) purely technical aspect of this trading, it’s no surprise that machine learning is currently the direction financial institutions and traders are turning to. The idea is to combine time-series prediction using LSTMs with a deep reinforcement lear...[more]
Matthew Trimbysystem development for placement modules (post start of placement)Martin CaminadaSteven Arthur1920-CM3203
For the two placement modules (undergraduate and postgraduate), the placement team is facing increased student numbers and associated increased workload. Because of this, we are interested in the development of a system that can serve as a platform and provide support to many of the tasks involved in running the placement module. Basically, in the same way as PATS is providing support to the Final Year Projects, the placement team is interested in a system that provides support to the placement ...[more]
Mengdi LiBetter Understand Privacy Patterns in the Context of IoTCharith PereraMichael Daley1920-CMT400
The goal of the project is to complete three tasks: first, to subjectively organize and visualize various privacy protection principles, Privacy by Design (PbD) strategies, privacy guidelines, and privacy models; second, to collect and analyze the opinions of the public on the privacy model through web pages; and finally, to visualize the results collected through web surveys in real-time. The tasks are described below. (A) Collect and analyze the 168 main privacy protection principles, privacy ...[more]
Miles BuddenBibTeX Web DatabaseFrank C LangbeinMartin Caminada1920-CM3203
BibTeX is a system to keep track of references and include them in TeX/LaTeX documents. It keeps the information about the references in a single file. This is problematic when more than one person wants to edit the file and keep entries synchronised. The idea of this project is to create a web interface to edit a bibtex database, where individual entries are stored in a NoSQL database. An interface to LaTeX editing systems (to create the bibtex database for a specific document), and searching a...[more]
Muhammad AhmedRemote Trap Activation Detection using IoTCharith PereraHantao Liu1920-CM3203
This is a real-world project. Your task is to develop a IoT based sensor node that can be deployed in a remote location to detect trap activation (in the wild in Malaysia) Students who complete the project successfully may be funded by the Cardiff University to travel to DGFC in Malaysia for 3 weeks (Subject to the quality of the project completion). Last year we sent 2 students to DGFC.[more]
Muhammad UsmanSynchronicity-iot: Creating IoT Data Marketplace [SPARQL Generator Web App]Charith PereraAsma Irfan1920-CMT400
This report is based on the design and development of web based IoT data marketplacewhere the preferences of the data required are user defined.This approach wouldmake data retrieval more specific and hence, create a fairer pricing system along with pre-sorted data which can be used by data scientists immediately. It also allows an admin user to define rules regarding semantic terms.[more]
Muzun AlthunayyanAn Evaluation of Black-Box Web Application Security Scanners in Detecting Injection VulnerabilitiesNeetesh SaxenaPhilipp Reinecke1920-CMT400
With the Internet’s meteoric rise in popularity and usage over the past decade, there has also been a significant increase in the number of web applications. As a result, web applications have become increasingly vulnerable and prone to targeting by malicious attackers. To deal with these malicious threats, security experts use black-box web application vulnerability scanners as testing tools to check for potential security vulnerabilities in web applications. Most past studies have evaluated ...[more]
Nathan EvansA thorough analysis of the misinformation surrounding vaccines on Twitter, and the political leanings of those promoting this misinformationAlun D PreeceDr Daniela Tsaneva1920-CMT400
This project conducts a thorough analysis of misinformation surrounding vaccinations in an attempt to understand what misinformation is causing people to distrust vaccines. In addition, a unique algorithm to determine whether a user is left or right-wing will be applied to the data so as to analyse the differences in vaccination misinformation between these two groups. This project uses a word correlation model to pin-point left and right-wing terms. Uses data science techniques, such as bi...[more]
Neofytos NeokleousIdentifying diagnostic features of Parkinson’s disease using classical machine learning.Matthias TrederDr Daniela Tsaneva1920-CM3203
This project will be jointly supervised with the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. They collected a brain imaging dataset involving Parkinson's, PTSD, and schizophrenia patients. The data have been preprocessed and parameters describing the brain structure have been extracted. This is a data science project, that is, you will use Sci-kit learn and statistics in Python to analyse, visualise and interpret the data. Excellent Python skills are vital, prior knowledge of machine learning is ...[more]
Niall CurtisAlgorithmic ‘Idea’ clustering via natural language processingAlun D PreeceSteven Arthur1920-CM3203
During my industry year, the company I worked for produced web software for other companies in order to enable them to conduct challenge-based innovation, through crowdsourcing ideas from their employees. In many cases, a single challenge might amass a large number of idea contributions from staff, which is a problem for a small staff team to process manually. This project aims to address part of this problem through creating a system that uses advanced techniques (such as natural language proce...[more]
Nicholas FergusonUsing machine learning techniques for neutron signal processingMatthias TrederHiroyuki Kido1920-CMT400
This project will be carried out in partnership with the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire. Neutron beams can be used to probe the structure of materials on an atomic scale. One method of generating these neutron beams is to exploit the collision of a proton beam with a target. This produces neutrons which are guided into narrow beams and directed towards experimental areas. However, alongside neutrons, many gamma-ray photons are also produc...[more]
Nino GorgiashviliPractical guidance for managing pilot e-government projects through Agile practicesWendy K IvinsJames Osborne1920-CMT400
The successful implementation of e-government initiatives has gained utmost importance with the increased pressure on governments to deploy effective digital technologies to better respond to today’s unfamiliar and fast-evolving circumstances. Agile project management approach, which brings novel ways of transformation, seems to be the most capable to handle unknown challenges. Due to a myriad of bureaucratic hurdles, public sector institutions necessitate specific guidelines for successful ad...[more]
Nouf AlkahtaniAnalysis of crop images using deep learning (Industry Project with Muddy Boots Software)Padraig CorcoranXianfang Sun1920-CMT400
This project will be performed in collaboration with the Muddy Boots Software company. The following is the project description - Through our Grower Management platform, we have a large dataset of images taken in the field displaying weeds/pests/diseases in crops, which are tagged against the specific problem with the severity. We would like to run a project to see if we can create a Machine Learning model that can detect a weed/pest/disease based on an image taken on a device - this is...[more]
Oliver GunnellDetecting network based attacks in Industrial Control SystemsEirini S AnthiNeetesh Saxena1920-CM3203
The student will use publicly available datasets from industrial control systems such the Secure Water Treatment (SWaT) Dataset, to build a lightweight intrusion detection system tailored for ICS protocols. These datasets contain not only benign traffic but also malicious, which can be used to build (machine learning based) models that distinguish between the different types of attacks. Other parameters for detecting attacks, such as PLC data, can also be taken into consideration.[more]
Oliver Storey-YoungCreating an online adblockerPadraig CorcoranFederico Liberatore1920-CM3203
When browsing the internet, users are regularly bombarded with adverts that will hinder and alter their browsing experience. Adverts are used as a revenue technique for many free and paid websites. Over time the market for adverts has evolved and now an ever-raging war between website hosts and adblockers exist, with each trying to combat the other. In recent years adverts have been used as a strong part of political campaigns – being used to spread propaganda across the internet using smart t...[more]
Omid MansourCreating an Immersive Application Using Mobile, Augmented and/or Virtual Reality for Health or SustainabilityNervo Verdezoto DiasDr Daniel J. Finnegan1920-CMT400
Prerequisites: - Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction and evaluation methods - Empathy and interest to work with people and performing qualitative user studies - Experience developing for web and/or mobile applications - Desirable experience developing immersive applications e.g., Blender, Unity, etc. Aims of the project: Over the last decade, mobile and immersive technologies such as augmented and virtual reality have facilitated the creation of immersive experiences by for example en...[more]
Paige PesiganEvaluating the robustness of a lattice-based cryptosystemEirini S AnthiFrank C Langbein1920-CM3203
Quantum computing is expected to be mainstream at some point in the not-too-distant future. However, current public-key cryptographic methods can be broken by such devices with the use of Shor's algorithm, meaning that data encrypted today is in danger of being decrypted later by these more-powerful computers. Lattice-based cryptography is said to be safe against both classical computers and, according to IBM, quantum computers that are fault-tolerant and have computing power even in the million...[more]
Patrick NoyauHyperpartisan News DetectionLuis Espinosa-AnkeDr Daniel J. Finnegan1920-CM3203
This is a Natural Language Processing project which addresses hyperpartisanism [1]. Formally, the task is defined as: Given a news article text, decide whether it follows a hyperpartisan argumentation, i.e., whether it exhibits blind, prejudiced, or unreasoning allegiance to one party, faction, cause, or person. The project will use the official data from a recent competition [2]. A strong deliverable should consist of a text categorization system written in Python that works, i.e., produces o...[more]
Peter GhawiIoT Security (multiple projects available)Philipp ReineckeRichard Booth1920-CM3203
General idea: Try to successfully compromise an IoT device.[more]
Rachel BryantCellular Automata and Non-Photorealistic RenderingPaul L RosinXianfang Sun1920-CMT400
Cellular automata (CA) consist of a regular grid of cells, each of which can be in only one of a finite number of possible states. The state of a cell is determined by the previous states of a surrounding neighbourhood of cells and is updated synchronously in discrete time steps. The identical rule contained in each cell is essentially a finite state machine, usually specified in the form of a rule table with an entry for every possible neighbourhood configuration of states automata use simple r...[more]
Rashid KhanAnti-Theft Driver Profiling for Situational AwarenessNeetesh SaxenaYulia Cherdantseva1920-CMT400
The project aims to analyze driving patterns using measurements from the sensor in the vehicle (dataset available) and improve situational awareness for legitimate drivers based on driver identification and verification based Anti-theft approach.[more]
Rawand HassanPlacement CRM systemMartin CaminadaRichard Booth1920PT-CMT400
For the COMSC Year in Industry programme, the placement team aims to keep in touch with various employers and placement providers. The aim to to keep track of contact persons and try to engage them in the various employability events that are being organised by the school. For this purpose, the school is currently using the Salesforce CRM system. However, as the licence is quite expensive, and only part of the functionality is actually used, the school is interested in having its own custom made...[more]
Reema AbaoudAI/ML Performance Evaluation (multiple projects possible)Philipp ReineckeMatthew J W Morgan1920-CM3203
Android malware growth has been increasing dramatically along with increasing the diversity and complicity of their developing techniques. One of the main technique that is used to detect malware is machine learning methods. This is why there is a crucial demand to evaluate machine learning algorithms performance in detecting malware. Hence,the purpose of this work is to evaluate and examine the machine learning algorithms performance in classifying malware and benign files. Three different cla...[more]
Robert TaylorHIV Neuroimaging Data Analysis and Supervised Machine LearningMatthias TrederVíctor Gutiérrez Basulto1920-CM3203
HIV is one of the deadliest infections affecting almost 40 million people in the world. It's estimated that 20.4% of South African Women have been infected. As HIV causes neuroinflammation and neuronal death, it should be detectable in neuroimaging data. A neuroimaging dataset has been provided by Stellenbosch University, South Africa with 124 participants involved. This project will use data analysis and machine learning techniques in the python programming language to help understand the brain...[more]
Ronald OkelloIoT Device Pentest TriageGeorge TheodorakopoulosYulia Cherdantseva1920-CMT400
IoT devices (smart lightbulbs, smart plugs, smart cameras, etc) are entering the market without much regard for security. A project in this area will focus on designing and implementing attacks against IoT devices in our lab, or on defences that mitigate existing attacks. This project requires either hands-on experience with or willingness to learn network traffic sniffing and machine learning (data mining) techniques and algorithms, or, alternatively, reverse-engineering IoT device firmware.[more]
Rongjian HuangImage Manipulation with Deep Generative Adversarial NetworksYukun LaiXianfang Sun1920-CMT400
Digital images are versatile nowadays. However, captured images may not contain the exact content of interest. For example, an image may contain extra objects/persons that are not intended to be included. It is therefore highly demanding to develop more intelligence image manipulation techniques. Recent advances in deep learning and generative adversarial networks provide a much more powerful tool for interactive image manipulation, by adjusting the network layers. The project involves implement...[more]
Rory ClarkAn Explorative Study into the Effects of Visualisation On Deception Detection AccuracyAlexia ZoumpoulakiXianfang Sun1920-CMT400
Human deception detection accuracy is notoriously low generally only reaching levels slightly greater than chance. However, in the advent of recent technological developments in the last 10-20 years, Computer Vision has emerged as a field at the forefront deception studies. Computational methods have undoubtedly provided a means to identify deceptive behaviours at a significantly greater accuracy level than humans. However, the real-world practicalities of these methods mean large-scale implemen...[more]
Ross SingletonAbusive language detection against immigrants and womenLuis Espinosa-AnkeDavid J Humphreys1920-CM3203
In this proposal a student will explore computational approaches for modeling and detecting biased and abusive language in social media. There are two broad topics: (1) Offensive language detection, which occurs when individuals take advantage of the perceived anonymity of computer-mediated communication, and engage in behavior that many of them would not consider in real life [1]; and (2) Hate Speech detection. Hate Speech is commonly defined as any communication that disparages a person or a g...[more]
Ruojia QiDetecting fraud from customer transactionsYuhua LiRichard Booth1920-CMT400
This project aims to develop a method that detects fraudulent e-commerce transactions so that customers are protected from financial fraud. It will apply suitable machine learning techniques to deal with distinct characteristics of e-commerce transaction data which is highly imbalanced. You may get dataset(s) for your project, but a potential dataset that can be used for this project can be downloaded from This project requires you to have...[more]
Samuel Meehansystem development for placement modules (pre start of placement)Martin CaminadaJing Wu1920-CM3203
For the two placement modules (undergraduate and postgraduate), the placement team is facing increased student numbers and associated increased workload. Because of this, we are interested in the development of a system that can serve as a platform and provide support to many of the tasks involved in running the placement module. Basically, in the same way as PATS is providing support to the Final Year Projects, the placement team is interested in a system that provides support to the placement ...[more]
Samuel WincottGenerating Differentially Private Datasets Using Deep Learning (in collaboration with: Office for National Statistics)George TheodorakopoulosYukun Lai1920-CM3203
Government organisations, businesses, academia, members of the public and other decision-making bodies require access to a wide variety of administrative and survey data to make informed and accurate decisions. However, the collecting bodies are often unable to share sensitive data without risking breaking the confidentiality and consent checks required to obtain this data. Therefore, researchers have proposed many methods for generating synthetic data to replace the raw data for the purposes o...[more]
Sarah LoughranCurriculum mapping databaseHelen R PhillipsStefano Zappala1920-CM3203
Curriculum mapping database. The majority of degree programmes, have learning outcomes at module,, year and programme level, however mapping these and keeping track is a challenge. The objective of this project is to development a database for input and retrieval in relation to curriculum mapping. The database would be expected to store, how assessments map to the learning outcomes and potentially also map to the accreditation criteria of the associated subject professional body.[more]
Sean SavitzEnd-to-End Open Source Reconfigurable IoT Stack: Best Practices for Large Scale DeploymentsCharith PereraNatasha Edwards1920-CM3203
In this project, you will add new features to an IoT edge network we have developed last year. Currently, Eclipse Kura and Eclipse Kapua used to capture data through sensors and cameras. This is a 100 Raspberry Pi Edge network. Currently, we use TensorFlow to perform deep early at the edge Your job is to improve this infrastructure by arriving data visualisation and semantic data modelling techniques.[more]
Sebastian SquirePredicting Driver Insurance ClaimYuhua LiAlun D Preece1920-CM3203
A more accurate claim prediction will allow insurance companies to further tailor their prices, and hopefully make auto insurance coverage more accessible to more drivers. This project will build a model that predicts the probability that a driver will initiate an auto insurance claim in the next year. You are free to choose to use dataset(s) you find yourself. A potential dataset can be This project requires you to have good kn...[more]
Sicheng DuBibTeX Web DatabaseFrank C LangbeinYazmin Ibanez Garcia1819Place-CMT400
BibTeX is a system to keep track of references and include them in TeX/LaTeX documents. It keeps the information about the references in a single file. This is problematic when more than one person wants to edit the file and keep entries synchronised. The idea of this project is to create a web interface to edit a bibtex database, where individual entries are stored in a NoSQL database. An interface to LaTeX editing systems (to create the bibtex database for a specific document), and searching a...[more]
Sin Ching CheungArtificial Intelligence and Human Factors for Multimedia ApplicationsHantao LiuIrena Spasic1920-CM3203
Do you know where you are looking at while watching online videos? Do you know where the computers think you are looking at? Modelling visual saliency - predicting where human eyes pay attention to in visual content - has been a very active research area over the past few years in both academia and industry. This project aims to investigate saliency modelling in emerging applications in image and vision computing, such as computer rendered images, high-dynamic-range (HDR) imaging, medical imagin...[more]
Songling HanCredit Card Fraud DetectionYuhua LiRichard Booth1920-CMT400
This project aims to develop a method that detects fraudulent credit card transactions so that customers are not charged for items that they did not purchase. It will apply suitable machine learning techniques to deal with distinct characteristics of credit card transaction data which is highly imbalanced. You may get dataset(s) for your project, but a potential dataset that can be used for this project can be downloaded from This project requ...[more]
Spyros LontosLearning to Detect and Recognise Road SignsYukun LaiMichael Daley1920-CM3203
To improve driving experience, computer vision techniques are widely used for providing assistance. The project aims to develop a prototype that implements some machine learning technique to detect and recognise road signs from real world camera footage. Such technology is also an essential component for autonomous driving.[more]
Stanislav KataevDetecting fraud from customer transactionsYuhua LiXianfang Sun1920-CM3203
This project aims to develop a method that detects fraudulent e-commerce transactions so that customers are protected from financial fraud. It will apply suitable machine learning techniques to deal with distinct characteristics of e-commerce transaction data which is highly imbalanced. You may get dataset(s) for your project, but a potential dataset that can be used for this project can be downloaded from This project requires you to have...[more]
Subodh GholveResearch Paper Recommendation SystemLuis Espinosa-AnkeAlun D Preece1819Place-CMT400
Covid-Aware, the paper recommendation tool is developed to help the researchers in finding the research papers most relevant to their paper of interest. This does not use user’s evaluation and the recommendations are calculated using the information within the dataset of the chosen paper. The recommender is developed using principles of content-based filtering, one of the most common approaches to recommender systems. To achieve this, I have used Cosine similarity function from Scikit-learn ma...[more]
Talis HarrisAugmented Reality development Project: The Stone, the Mermaid, and the PainterFrank C LangbeinMartin Caminada1920-CM3203
ABSTRACT: The following Final Year Project provides a cutting-edge Augmented Reality solution to tourism challenges faced by The Hilton Historic Trust in a remote highland village in Scotland. It includes 4 AR experiences linking to key artefacts surrounding the village. The experiences are of an infographic nature, containing facts, media, links, and additional features. The results of this project have the potential to answer whether AR is viable in remote locations to bring historic informa...[more]
Thomas BaggaleyReal-time Music Programming with Extempore: MIDI ControlDave MarshallKirill Sidorov1920-CMT400
Extempore ( is an real-time programming language and environment for composers, sound artists, VJ's and graphic artists with an interest in live or interactive programming. Extempore is a member of the Lisp family of languages. Time plays a major role in the Extempore environment allowing accurate real-time scheduling of events and code. Extempore is a dynamic environment designed for the creation and manipulation of running programs in live performance. See the E...[more]
Tian ZhangAgent-based Simulation of COVID-19 Transmission (Multiple Projects Available)Bailin DengPaul L Rosin1920Place-CMT400
The proposed projects will use agent-based modelling to simulate and visualise how COVID-19 spreads in the crowd. To keep things simple, we will run the simulation on a small population with a simple environment setting. A variety of factors will be explored, including: - Adherence to social distancing measure - Availability of mass testing - Hospital capacity - Quarantine measures - Asymptomatic patients The student should be familiar with python or Java programming and has reasonable math sk...[more]
Worawat Kimparaautomatic generation of Word documents for the Year in Industry programmeMartin CaminadaNatasha Edwards1920-CM3203
For its Year in Industry programme, the School of Computer Science and Informatics uses a document called the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA). This is an industry standard that contains a wide variety of IT-related professional skills (such as "Software Development" or "Testing"). For each of these skills, different levels are identified, at which a professional can operate. In general, the higher levels indicate that a person is doing work of greater complexity, with more influe...[more]
Xingyu LiImage forgery detection with deep learningXianfang SunStefano Zappala1920-CMT400
Image forgery detection is to detect images that have been modified using some image processing tools. The aim of this project is to analyse and implement image forgery detection algorithms with deep learning. The student should have a good programming skill and a relatively strong mathematical background.[more]
Yibin XuEnhancing the accuracy of rigid registration using a general and adaptive robust loss functionBailin DengMatthew J W Morgan1920-CM3203
Rigid registration of two geometric data sets is essential in many applications, including robot navigation, surface reconstruction and shape matching. Most commonly, variants of the Iterative Closet Point (ICP) algorithm are employed for this task. These methods alternate between closest point computations to establish correspondences between two data sets, and solving for the optimal transformation that brings these correspondences into alignment. However, a major difficulty for this approach ...[more]
Yu ZhuGenerating and visualising realistic plantsYukun LaiJing Wu1920-CMT400
Plants come with complicated structures and lots of details. They are also very common in our daily lives. In computer graphics, to render a realistic outdoor scene, plants are often needed to be constructed. In many cases, we don't need to reconstruct a specific tree, but more likely expect the tree to be realistic looking. There are a large number of literatures looking at different approaches of generating trees or other plants in the computer. Practically, you can use e.g. L-system (http://e...[more]
Zuzanna Marika KubickaDesigning an Interactive Application to Support Caregiver's Feeding Practices of Young ChildrenNervo Verdezoto DiasAlia I Abdelmoty1920-CMT400
Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of Human-Computer Interaction and user-centered and/or participatory design methods -Experience developing mobile and/or web applications in several platforms (e.g., Android, HTML5 & Javascript, etc.) -Desirable experience with Spanish (not mandatory) Mobile applications are becoming increasingly prevalent to support self-care practices aiming to enhance people’s health and wellbeing. However, their potential to promote children’s healthy eating practices...[more]