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Time stamp: 03:04:23-3/12/2024


Security and vulnerability in grid management

Judith May


Supervised by Philipp Reinecke; Moderated by Surya Thottam Valappil

The software for Grid solutions is a niche market with only a few companies in the world that offer software and hardware solutions for the monitoring, control, and distribution of the electrical power system such as ABB, SIEMENS, GE, OSI, Schneider Electric etc. These companies offer solutions such as Energy Management Systems, Distribution Management Solutions, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Grid Analytics, Wide Area Management Systems etc. Most countries in the world use these services for their energy grid, those that do not, are either building the infrastructure needed to have one or they are bidding to have one put in place. While there is plenty of research related to smart grid, very little is about security in wide-area management. For the purpose of this project, I will be focusing on Wide Area Management Systems. My aim is to explore the security and vulnerability of data transfer and storage, the impact of moving from traditional UI to open-source online interface, security and vulnerability of the software solution and propose a possible solution using another framework.

Initial Plan (08/02/2021) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (28/05/2021) [Zip Archive]

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