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Time stamp: 20:33:31-4/5/2024


Real-time Television Companion Application

James Carter


Supervised by Xianfang Sun; Moderated by Richard Booth

My project is to create software that provides the user with real-time information using meta-data about the television programme they are watching. I aim to follow basic HCI principles in order to accommodate the rising paralleled use of the internet whilst watching TV.

I plan to develop this application for android.

I aim to employ web scraping techniques to aggregate useful metadata from various sources (eg. to provide the user with fast and convenient access to this information without actively having to search themselves.

This metadata may include:

Programme Name Airing schedule (scope to include a reminder for next aired show) Number of episodes and/or seasons First aired date Cast information (scope to link them to other programmes user may be interested in)

Initial Plan (31/01/2016) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (06/05/2016) [Zip Archive]

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