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Time stamp: 10:23:04-4/12/2024


Command line interface to generate CI/CD configuration for projects - stack #1

Miles Budden


Supervised by Carl Jones; Moderated by Natasha Edwards

Once mastered, creating a CI/CD configuration is the application of a series of patterns/conventions.

In this project, the student will be required to research the manual processes required to deploy one or more software system to a cloud environment.

They will then provide a command line tool (in any language, but cross-platform preferred) that can abstract away much of the detail and output a set of configuration files and/or accompanying manual instructions that can be used in a project.

The goal is to provide these scripts to students so that they can create projects that are automatically deployed to a cloud server and can therefore be demonstrated and assessed with reduced manual intervention from lecturers and students.

The student may choose their own stack and this may be internal (Gitlab + Openstack/Openshift) or external (GitHub, Azure, AWS, GCP) in which case the student will need to apply for free student accounts where necessary.

Final Report (03/11/2021) [Zip Archive]

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