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Time stamp: 14:02:31-3/5/2024


Spelling Practice / Spelling Test - tailored toward students with Dyslexia.

Samantha Hughes


Supervised by Helen R Phillips; Moderated by Yulia Cherdantseva

This project will consider an Automated or Semi-Automated Assessment Tool, supporting children to undertake spelling tests as part of synchronous (potentially in-class) or asynchronous learning materials. This will be tailored towards students with dyslexia as they will be able to change font colour, style and background colour. Additionally, it will allow the teacher to show more or less feedback depending on the severity of the case.

My client for this project will be Matthew Moloughney.

Initial Plan (07/02/2022) [Zip Archive]

Final Report (12/05/2022) [Zip Archive]

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